Current Car 2020
66 Pontiac Grande Parisienne
Factory 396 Big Block, Factory 4 Speed manual
basically a Grand Prix body
on a 66 Impala SS frame
CD0B6AEA 9D10 4D40 B7A2 9259EA3364E4
B0B0F850 A480 48B1 BBF3 32457D1C0F0C
2159BDC0 D4D7 4CF8 8BC1 A05F1173A1DA
74BAEC45 21A8 4CC8 89C6 BE99A9ECDC41
5581121F A3A6 4478 A9BF 397CB9CF3735
97261BC2 1AE4 456B B345 A4FAB68D2571

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