Conversation Between srmmmm and Cliff R
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Cliff R
    09-12-2024 03:42 AM
    Cliff R
    I don't frequent here often. Best to call me at the shop, 740-397-2921. I'm here 7am-4pm M-F EST. If I don't pick up leave a good number and I'll call you back...tks...
  2. srmmmm
    09-11-2024 02:16 PM
    Hi Cliff, I've torn down my Q-Jet with the serious idle issues and it does look like the idle tubes are mangled. Pictures are in my thread. One user also mentioned inquiring about a modification to the base plate APT that I am not familiar with. Anyway, if you have a chance to look at the photos, I'd appreciate your input and if your willing to put together a kit with your recommended components, I'd certainly appreciate it. I really don't want to go to a Holley Sniper.... Thank you, Steve Mansen

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