Conversation Between srmmmm and 7t4mula
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. 7t4mula
    10-04-2024 09:03 PM
    If you want more details, address etc. prob best to text or call me at (414) 915-0234 so I know you’re contacting me.
  2. 7t4mula
    10-04-2024 08:57 PM
    I’m assuming you are talking about the CVF RACING hood hinges, correct?

    I take check, money order, or PayPal to

    David Carlson
  3. srmmmm
    10-04-2024 04:25 PM
    Are your hood hinges still available? What payment forms can you accept? The brand new OEM springs I got from Classic Industries are already shot after 6 months.

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