Conversation Between pvp44 and richshull
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. richshull
    03-31-2015 03:28 PM
    Hey Pete/// how are you?
    My number is 509-770-5164
    I knew you did... Gary thought you might want them lol.. just checking.. I have also picked up a 71. I built a 400 mostly stock for the 75 Formula 400 I had, and almost done with a 2nd one now...
  2. richshull
    03-17-2015 11:19 PM
    Hey Pete.. Rich here.. Wondering if you wanted a nice set of Honeycomb wheels and tires for your Trans Am? I have a set Im not gonna use..
  3. richshull
    02-19-2014 07:53 PM
    Hey Pete.. I got it now.. lol.. Well if you need to get me a sooner message, email me at too..
  4. richshull
    01-17-2014 09:45 PM
    Hey Pete.. its Rich.. new member.. cool site..Thanks for the suggestion.

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