Conversation Between Mike Pemberton and jmt455
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. jmt455
    06-13-2010 11:07 AM
    Hi MIke,
    Just looked at your photos - the car looks AWESOME!

    I agree; those tips are too long/low/rearward. I can't tell exactlywhere the issue is. Can you send me some photos from beneath the car that sow the details of the resonator and tip installation?

    They look too long, but also too low. Maybe we just ran the Bonneville length extensions by mistake, but I want to double-check the way they fit into the hangers.
  2. Mike Pemberton
    05-15-2010 02:05 PM
    Mike Pemberton

    Mike Pemberton with the67 GP Convert. Just an FYI, on those resonators I had you re do. If you kept the spec's they need to be 3.75" shorter at the tip side. Will be at POCI with the car. Thanks again for a great product. Mike

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