Conversation Between TransAm 474 and Macho 27
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. TransAm 474
    02-25-2016 04:34 PM
    TransAm 474
    Hi Bill, I'm not for sure where that car went, the last I knew, a car museum in Illinois purchased it, and I haven't heard anything of it since..... my cousin who owned it, passed away a year or so ago. My brother is who did the body and paint work on it, I even helped out some on it.... it was a very nice car, my dad built the motor and transmission in it. It wasn't a 100 point show quality, but a very, very nice street car that would have earned some awards at the local shows. It is the only color combination of its kind in 1978, white/ black macho package, and I believe it was Dennis Mecum and his wife's personal car. Sorry I can't be of more help to you as far as tracking it down..... let me know if you have any other questions....
  2. Macho 27
    02-17-2016 11:53 PM
    Macho 27
    Hey TA 474, I saw your post on 1978 TA #142 your cousin worked on. I'd love to track this car down! Any chance you could help me find it?
    Fingers crossed,
    Bill Pettigrew

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