MCronkGTO MCronkGTO is offline

Chief Ponti-yacker

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. thebuick
    05-08-2015 06:36 AM
    do you have the rally I wheels still?
  2. red1975pacer
    10-29-2014 07:57 PM
    If the car is still available without new paint in a month or so give me a call at 216 410 1904. I just bought a 78TA a month ago and need my finaces to settle a little before buying another car.
  3. d1mbu1b
    12-26-2008 09:21 AM
    I saw the sales on ebay. Too late.
    Still interested in the block.
    Can you give me the exact deck height for both sides.
    or the piston depth for both sides (given a stock rod and piston height). I don't mind if they are out of the hole a few thousandths.
    thanks a lot
  4. JZD_Fan
    07-27-2008 12:54 PM
    I also need a car shipped next month, AZ to VA (though I can be dropped anywhere close). I'd like to accompany the car too, but I doubt they'd let me do that. I'm going to start looking into it Wednesday. I'll let you know what deal I strike... I want it cheap as possible.

About Me

  • About MCronkGTO
    Restoring and racing Pontiacs for over 25 years. Member of GTOAA, POCI, and SSGTOA. 1995 NMCA Stoc
    Melbourne, Fl., US.
    racing, restoring Pontiacs
    Multimedia Mgr.


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  • Last Activity: 12-31-2024 12:45 AM
  • Join Date: 05-31-2001
  • Referrals: 0

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