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Ultimate Warrior

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. Roadking88
    01-17-2023 04:36 PM
    Jon, A friend of mine aquired a bunch of 1960 stuff. I believe he has sales training and other materials. He is not a 1960 guy. If you are interested, please give me an email that I can forward to connect you two guys. THX
  2. Stuart
    04-24-2021 11:40 AM
    I do have the PHS documents, so that's not a problem.

  3. M1Lover
    05-29-2017 12:48 PM
    Jon, apparently you are The Man when it comes to carbs. My '67 Grand Prix, equipped with Carter AFB, stumbles when coming off of idle and I think its due to the accelerator pump. The squirt of gas comes late and there's evidence of fuel leakage around the accelerator pump housing. Someone told me the AFB accelerator pump bore is prone to wallowing out and are often unrepairable. Thought I'd come to the Mountain for an informed opinion. I just bought this car two weeks ago and the carb is clean and reportedly rebuilt. Runs great once its moving. Should I just ship my entire carb to you for a rebuild or buy the accelerator pump and top gasket and give that a shot? What do you charge for a complete rebuild on an old AFB? THANK YOU sir. Love my GP! Hunter Bachrach in Arizona.

About Me

  • About carbking
    1974 GTO
    Eldon, Missouri 65026
    GTO by Pontiac, automobile history, especially carburetors
    Carburetor specialist
  • Signature
    "Good carburetion is fuelish hot air".

    "The most expensive carburetor is the wrong one given to you by your neighbor".

    If you truly believe that "one size fits all" try walking a mile in your spouse's shoes!

    Owner of The Carburetor Shop, LLC (of Missouri).

    Current caretaker of the remains of Stromberg Caburetor, and custodian of the existing Carter and Kingston carburetor drawings.


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  • Last Activity: Today 08:40 PM
  • Join Date: 05-26-2000
  • Referrals: 2

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