Peter Serio Peter Serio is offline

Ultimate Warrior

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 21
  1. Droptop68
    07-19-2024 05:27 PM
    Hi Pete,
    Are you still rebuilding Hurst Shifters? I have a 3138 Shifter that I would like gone thru. It is for a 69 Pontiac
  2. lugnutx2
    06-26-2024 02:30 PM
    Hey Pete, I got the pictures of the reverse wire clip. Thanks!
  3. billy b
    07-22-2023 08:16 PM
    billy b
    have to wait for wife and her i pad . give me a day or so....Bill
  4. dpoltzer
    06-15-2023 08:28 AM
    Hi Pete, Are you available to refurbish my 1969 firebird gauges? Thx. Dave 414-406-4692
  5. camerjeff
    02-20-2023 08:31 PM
    Hi Peter,

    I finally got around to removing my 67 Sprint tach today, I am interested in having it rebuilt/restored as the needle moves but is not accurat usually just rev's to 1500 and then stays there.

    How would I go about sending it to you? assuming you are willing to work on it?

  6. Steve 65
    09-07-2022 06:54 PM
    Steve 65
    Hi Peter. I am currently having the gauges in my '65 LeMans converted to rally gauges and the mechanic doing the job busted the speedo pulling the needle off. He said the pin the needle sits on is busted. Is this something you can repair/recondition? You came highly recommended from members on the GTO forum. If you are not able to repair this would you happen to have one you would sell me? Below are 2 links to pictures of the speedo head unit. I can get a pic of the needle if you need it. Thanks!

  7. sd331c
    08-02-2020 12:42 PM
    Hello Peter this id Don you helped me out with a turning lite issue. Thank you. Now I have a question about a knock in the 400 motor just started. And I am wondering if I send you a video of it running with valve cover off and maybe you could point me in the right direction? Pasinger side bank,replaced lifters, cam is good, Knock is still there, goes away when I rev it up. and then comes back. Don
  8. Peter Serio
    03-26-2020 12:13 PM
    Peter Serio
    I would have to see the tach here in front of me in order to test it. That tach was not made to last forever & often they go bad over time. Another thing that happens to them is they will become inaccurate. So they should be tested for accuracy if you've installed a new rebuilt engine. One thing to keep in mind a tach for your car that has one wire that pluges into the back of it is for a car with the original points ignition. A one wire plug-in factory tach will NOT work if you are removed the original points and replaced those with a new electronic module ignition set-up such as Pertronix or Mallory. You can call me, my phone # is 614-258-3500
  9. GTO 68
    03-26-2020 11:54 AM
    GTO 68
    Hi Pete, I have a 1966 GTO with a factory tachometer that does not work. When I got the car, the previous owner had a Chevrolet engine in it. I have installed a Pontiac engine. I purchased the AMES tachometer wiring harness M11095 kit. I connected it to the negative coil and feed it through the firewall to connect the the male brown wire plug to the tachometer female brown wire plug. The tachometer lamp bulb works so it is getting power through the wiring harness. Can you share any thoughts from your vast experience on what the problem is ?
  10. Peter Serio
    03-09-2020 12:49 PM
    Peter Serio
    Yes I do, You can call me, my phone # is 614-258-3500

    thank you, Pete

About Me

  • About Peter Serio
    Columbus, OH 43209 USA
    Hurst collectables, Old Aurora HO scale slot cars and model kits.
    Parts Vendor
  • Signature
    Peter Serio
    Owner, Precision Pontiac


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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 02:44 PM
  • Join Date: 03-13-2000
  • Referrals: 0


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