HWYSTR455 HWYSTR455 is offline

Ultimate Warrior

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 20
  1. NJ68GTO
    07-16-2024 08:39 PM
    Hey there, love the build on your 72. I wanted to see if you had any insight on 17 inch wheels for a 68. I recently had a wilwood 4 piston front brake kit installed and the 15x7 cragars I have on the front no longer clear under full lock, so I figured i'd upgrade to a 17 inch setup and was looking at the 17 inch cragar ss wheels. I've included the following link with the wheel specs as I was unsure if the 17x7 or 17x8 would fit and what tire i would need for either(https://www.cragarwheel.com/wheels/p...series-61c-ss/). Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  2. joes455
    12-18-2022 06:49 AM
    Hey hows it going .I see your using the luniti 72334.Whats your take on these?What size pushrod are u using.Mine have about .700 taller seat height then my crowers hippos
  3. nakedgto
    11-10-2022 02:15 AM
    Are you still approving the Speed Hut Gauges with the 2 large and 4 small units for the 70-72 GTO dash upgrade? Thanks in advance.
  4. HWYSTR455
    09-24-2015 07:19 AM
    A little more of a choppy idle, a little less idle vacuum, and a little more of a flat torque curve. It' hard to say, but those are the areas that are generally effected by LSA.
  5. misaac
    09-23-2015 08:26 PM
    Hwystr, I am building a similar 461 with a small solid roller Comp XE lobes 248/254 @ .050. Mine has the 110 LSA. What will the difference be compared to your grind at 114? I have e-heads at 74cc and a 11cc dish piston. Around 10.9 cr. Thanks for any tips or suggestions. Mark
  6. dirtbkr89
    03-23-2015 08:03 PM
    Hi sorry to bug u but I had a question. I am looking at some crower roller lifters that some said they purchased from you. If this is the correct person could you by chance know how many miles were on them. Sorry I tried to pm you but wouldn't go through
  7. HWYSTR455
    03-23-2015 07:46 AM
    No problem, will let you know!
  8. Oldgoatnuts
    03-22-2015 11:00 PM
    I realize I'm second in line, but I'll take it if the other guy doesn't.

    My email is: my67mopar@roadrunner.com

  9. HWYSTR455
    02-02-2015 09:07 AM
    Whew! Shipping on large items are not inexpensive, and was hoping buyers would make their' own arrangements. If you need the bumper brace too, it would have to go truck freight I believe.
  10. ScottU
    01-30-2015 04:00 PM
    Looking for 71 front bumper and valance. How much shipped to B4A 3Z1 via UPS to Canada

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  • Join Date: 01-25-2005
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