gtogoat gtogoat is offline

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  1. 61-63
    10-12-2010 08:52 AM
    Thank you very much for the plug that was nice of you.
    Beautiful '61 you have I'll bet you are getting offers for it.
  2. 61-63
    09-24-2010 02:50 PM
    If it isn't raining probably. I meant to get the '63 ready
    but have been buried in carburetor work.
  3. gtogoat
    09-16-2010 11:55 AM
    Hello John-
    Got you down as a friend thanks
    No rush on the manifold. Willard is currently working on Mimi's '66 GP engine and I told him that I would bring my 421 motor over afterwards (got to get back in line ) I have to pick his brain on what I can do (performance wise) and still be within a budget...
  4. 61-63
    09-16-2010 11:21 AM
    Hey Terry this is John Reeder. I befriended Mimi and she
    told me your handle. I probably already knew it but forgot. FYI the intake is still right where I sat it when we returned from Norwalk but it will get to the prop guy soon I hope.



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  • Join Date: 07-25-2008
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