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Ultimate Warrior

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  1. charlie66
  2. Rusty4cyl
    10-03-2022 05:22 PM
    Hello Sir Would you have pics of a Bob Maxey pan. I called Canton and the guy said he woud need pics to see about making one. He was trying to sell me a road race pan. Thanks for your help
  3. dalco_100
    09-09-2021 05:48 PM
    Hello, need help w 67 GTO electrical problem plz.
    Intermittent no 12v to distributer (MDS). Determined MDS is fine when hotwired. Issue chased down to inside of bulkhead / ignition switch. Unable to locate electrical manual, however have 1 page schematic showing all electrical systems. Ignition switch has been replaced and appears good (12v to dist and gages). Is there a typical known issue w this make / yr? Dash is out and next step is open harness between ign switch and bulkhead, which I would like to avoid. Schematic shows known splice for ign and gages, however no location (assume is in electrical manual). Also, no issues w gages. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
  4. einstein
    02-17-2021 10:38 AM
  5. Blaker2002
    04-26-2019 09:58 PM
    Hello, 650.00 thanks.
  6. Curious George
    06-17-2017 08:58 PM
    Curious George
    Hi Mark. My points distributor was already converted to a Crane XR-i & used with a digital HI-6 box when I bought the car, but never had a problem with that setup. With turbo I run MSD pro-billet distributor and MSD digital 7531 box, which I really like. Neither setup went above 6700 rpm however so not familiar with how well either would work approaching 8000 rpms, but should be capable without need for crank trigger. I had issues with my points in the 80's & went to HEI to solve the problem. I was using the cheap points which may have been my problem, but I feel there is a reason they are all but extinct, esp. for high perf. applications. I feel why risk problems using something that MAY work when there is an option that WILL work. Not saying it CAN'T be done, that's just the route I'd go. Hope this helps with what you were looking for, & feel free to contact me with any other questions & I'll help if I can. Also, let me know what you decide & I'll watch for updates.
  7. marks73ta
    12-08-2012 12:13 PM
    Hello. My name is Mark. I am a good friend of Bruce Wilkie and just bought an Accell 300+/375 ignition system from him. We were discussing using a distributor versus a crank trigger to synch the system. I asked him about using a points distributor and how much or how little gap is needed to trigger the Accell. He mentioned that you have been running a similar system for many years and to contact you for advice. I don't have a problem with using a points distributor but I am contemplating using some pretty high RPM with my motor (possibly 8000 or more) and I have concerns with the points bouncing. The reduced gap may solve the problem but I just don't know. I am guessing on my need for higher rpms because my combination is turbocharged and most times those combos just don't require higher rpms. This is a 406 based engine. My previous 455 (462) made all of it's 1065 hp at 5800. So I may not even have any concern, but I'm just getting all my ducks in a row just in case. I'm probably dumb for not just going to an electronic module to replace the points and be done. But I still wanted to find out what you have done or recommend. I appreciate any help you can send my way. Thanks.
    Mark L

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    Humbolt County California


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