eric_cspan eric_cspan is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 11
  1. Judges4u
    01-16-2025 11:18 PM
    Hi Eris, please delete the following two for sale adds in Garage Sale. Thanks Jim


    01-12-2025 11:27 PM
    by Judges4u Go to last post

    You have 1 post(s) in this thread, last 01-12-2025
    4 Attachment(s)NEW ANEST IWATA LPH400 LPH-400-144LV 1.4 mm LPH400LV Spray Gun with 700 ml Cup

    01-12-2025 10:52 PM
    by Judges4u Go to last post
  2. Cammer-6
    07-18-2023 09:34 AM
    I have 3 4th gen converts
    2 of which are red/blk like yours
  3. Cammer-6
    07-18-2023 09:32 AM
    Eric,Ive been a member here since around 1998 or whenever the site was formed(it crashed and I got a new date of 2004 for some reason). Anyway Ive been away for a while and noticed when I came back that Ive been getting unwanted solicitations via PM from newb members.
    I suggested to Bman to put in place a timeout for new members of 10 days or 10 valid tech posts,before allowing PM access. This would cut down the amount of scammer /spammers that sign up only to use this site for ill use. thanks Gary
  4. necdb3
    03-08-2023 05:21 PM
    Ricardo1 is another scammer.
  5. Carousel72TRed
    11-10-2021 11:21 AM
    Hi Eric,
    All of my pictures including my profile picture that I've posted come up sideways and am wondering if you could tell me how I can fix that. I've tried looking at settings, right clicking on the picture to look for rotating the picture, rotating the picture on my device prior to posting it, and nothing seems to work. If you could fix my profile picture so people don't have to turn their head and get a crick in their neck to look at my picture posts it would be appreciated.

  6. Bnick166
    02-09-2020 12:05 PM
    Good Morning, Eric
    I'm requesting that we (you) add a Fuel Injection Category On the PY Forum. There has been much talk about it and I wondered if I may spur you to do so?
    Thank You in Advance Brad Nichter (Bnick166)
  7. Griffinspc
    09-04-2016 12:07 PM
    b-man suggested I contact you. When visiting the albums/photos none of the members rides show as thumbnails. You can only see a photo if you click on the photo link which of course means you have no idea what you're going to see. Can you fix it?
  8. Transporter
    08-06-2014 09:58 AM
    Hello Eric, hate to ask, but would it be much trouble to delete the thread "Stolen G8 GXP" just hate staring at it every time I open that forum.

    Thanks Stan
  9. 01BADBIRD
    09-06-2013 07:07 AM
    sorry seen your name at top of page and maybe you can point me in right direction .new here and have a couple posts that went to moderater and haven't seen up yet and was getting ready to put up more but maybe something wrong? Thanks Rick
  10. Turbo Rocket Tempest
    07-25-2012 10:29 PM
    Turbo Rocket Tempest
    Please police a member called 'Doug' who needed to interject 2¢ where it doesn't belong... In my want ad

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  • About eric_cspan
    08 G8, 09 G8, 94 Trans Am
    Max Performance Staff
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  • Last Activity: 02-05-2025 12:01 PM
  • Join Date: 06-07-2011
  • Referrals: 7

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