mike nixon mike nixon is offline


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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. my69brd
    12-01-2014 11:25 AM
    I would like to edit my post in the classifieds
    I left out some details and included parts

    Is there a way for me to do that?
  2. Bryce
    06-27-2010 07:14 PM
    Mike- a long time ago you evaluated from Barletts a frame for my 66 Starcvhief Executive 4dr sedan. You found it too far gone. Just finished parting this solid Georgia body, and will soon list parts for sale on Py and poci. It has a solid rear clip, but my big question is related to the floor pan I carefully removed. What will it fit- any Exectuive or Bonny 2 0r 4 dr-possibly any Catalina or ect? Thought you might know right off. I am guessing aany interested persons out there, if any, may wonder what it will fit. Thanks, Bryce from Mich
  3. Nomadac
    05-26-2010 03:46 PM
    Mike very good letter. I believe that there are many Pontiac owners that feel the same way you expressed in your letter. As a past PMD employee for 20 years, Management along with the UAW helped to kill Pontiac IMO.
  4. lester
    02-21-2010 11:23 PM
    hi Mike. it's Doug from greenville,oh.
    I was looking in the trans am's for sale, and found one I think should not be there it a 79 t/a with a 77 vin and title. that is fraud , taking the vin from one to another. unless the state re-titled the car. and the date on the title would be the year it was re-titled. I was going to ask him about the vin swap but didn't want to start a big stink on PY . so you look at it and do what you want to ,with it.

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  • About mike nixon
    too many to list
    SELF EMPLOYED AUTO TECHNICIAN, Adjunct Faculty, Ivy Tech Comunity College
  • Signature
    so many pontiacs, so little time..................

    moderator is a glorified word for an unappreciated prick..................

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the
    former." --Albert Einstein

    "There is no such thing as a good tax."

    "We contend that for a nation to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle."

    - Winston Churchill


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  • Join Date: 12-24-1999
  • Referrals: 7


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