The TA will be a challenge and probably expensive as well. It will definitely be worth it though. The TA's are few and far between and the Sandalwood interior, even more so. I have a 71 white TA with the Sandalwood deluxe comfortweave interior and It's a beautiful combination.
Yes, I'm very familiar with those time challenges! - have young kids and a few project cars in the pipeline, too. My current projection has been going on for 13 years... it's months away from being done, though. Then I'll have to pick between the T/A and the Formula for which one to start next. The sandalwood cloth interior in the T/A will be a challenge.
Just curious if the 70 Formula with sandalwood cloth interior is one you're planning to restore?
I have a T/A with the same interior that I'll be restoring some day soon.