Ramair1 Ramair1 is offline

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  1. PureSD
    01-10-2014 07:16 PM
    Shawn, I don't have any plans of parting with Big Red in the near future but if I ever do, you certainly will have the first opportunity to own it. I hope to meet up with you at some time. There is a great Pontiac show close to my home here in St. Charles called the Indian Uprising with over 400 cars. I usually host a gathering prior to the show and would love to have you come, meet some of the local Pontiac guys whom you probably already know of, go to the show, and see Big Red again. It's in the same shape as you remember. Let me know if that's a possibility. Its really a great time.
  2. PureSD
    01-08-2014 09:47 AM
    Hi Shawn,
    We have never met but I wanted to express my condolences to you and your family. I enjoyed my conversations with Mike and appreciate the fact that he was gracious enough to sell me his SD. His memory will live with me and the car. I will always make sure that the history of his ownership of this car is preserved.

About Me

  • About Ramair1
    1999 Trans Am WS6 (black with chromalusion flames), 1999 Trans Am WS6 (white), 1969 Firebird coupe (green), 1976 Trans Am SE
    I have grown up as a kid with Pontiacs all around and still am very much involved with them. My brother was a big inthusiast as well and a inspiration to me.
    Hugo, OK
    Good looking and fast Ponchos
    management at paper mill
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  • Last Activity: 12-22-2014 12:05 PM
  • Join Date: 01-15-2009
  • Referrals: 0


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