NeighborsComplaint NeighborsComplaint is offline

Ultimate Warrior

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. NeighborsComplaint
    04-17-2023 03:26 PM
    Hope you're feeling better. Hoping your builder gets things sorted out this time.

  2. 64speed
    04-17-2023 10:04 AM
    I’m waiting to hear now. I had some health issues and didn’t get it to him till mid week. He said he was gonna work on it Sunday but that on cursory glance he didn’t see anything that just screamed out.
  3. 25stevem
    03-20-2023 07:06 PM
    Do it please!
  4. Rob in NH
    01-17-2023 09:31 PM
    Rob in NH
    My 350 is stock with duel exhaust , I did put a performer manifold on it. I don't really know Cliff but I don't think I could take much of him. All I wanted was a cfm recommendation, didn't know it would open a can of worms like it did
  5. NeighborsComplaint
    05-17-2021 12:10 PM
    I am just going to swap mufflers initially but install with stainless band clamps. If I am satisifed ith the sound, I'll leave it alone. If not, I can't imagine a new set of id pipes with no cross-over will run much more than $150 to fabricate and install.

    That system seemed like a great deal, but tailpipe fitment on those universal systems is problematic. I replaced a similar system with what I have now due to the tailpipes sitting low and and hitting the rear axle when it squatted under hard acceleration.
  6. Paul E
    05-12-2021 09:57 AM
    Paul E
    Honestly that is a good plan Can you take out the "H" cross over and see the sound before you redo the pipes just to check the difference? Would be interesting to see how that worked. It is likely easier for me as I do all the work in my garage and maybe many do not. Good Luck!
  7. Paul E
    05-11-2021 10:03 AM
    Paul E
    I bought the rims from you a few years ago.
    I went with Ram Air restorations 3" oval "x" pipe system it is oval and was a very nice install, I went with 2.5" mufflers and tails. Different opinions but the air when cools takes less volume also. I really like the installation and it was pretty easy. Send me your email and I will send you pictures if interested. Good luck!

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    1971 Pontiac GTO
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    Triple Black 1971 GTO


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  • Join Date: 08-20-2009
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