spartazoo spartazoo is offline

Chief Ponti-yacker

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. voodoohalfbreed
    05-22-2014 12:53 PM
    interested, how much, how long has it been setting, did it run, tell me all about it, high comp, 4 barrel, single etc... thanks
  2. beemergary
    04-17-2014 12:54 PM
    Bring that tempest to St. Louis may 24-25-26 for the Dave Duel Classic. $4000.00 too win and pays back 16 places. $200.00 too win class. $4000.00 prize money and free sat. nite banquet dinner. $150.00 to get in and nss cars park together. Gary Beemer Heads up class racing.Kewl
  3. beemergary
    01-05-2014 10:53 AM
    Kip 2014 wil be remembered. No power the whole week of xmas. Ice storm caused tree limb to go thru roof of new car hauiling trailer (2 Days old) Sickest I,ve been in my life with cold ,sore throat, flue for over a week. Actually lots of other sources for parts. A snowmobile with a diapram carb can be a pain some time. Yamaha and Polaris made good engines. Need any help just holler.
  4. beemergary
    12-30-2013 10:36 AM
    Got one of those sleds in my garage. Just put new ringsand gaskets. Have 9 old sleds in my family room. Another 10 in otherside of basement. And another 20 in two other garages. Me and my son race in the vintage class. (Roll-O-Flex) Ebay has lots of parts. Try Yamaha or dealer, Dennis Kirk,Sport Mart,recreational lezier,growth product. Try Sport Mart First.
  5. beemergary
    01-20-2013 04:23 PM
    Hey U Posted some pics for ya of my old truck. G.B.

About Me

  • About spartazoo
    1966 GTO 2dr hdtp - PS 14.84 @ 97mph 1963 Tempest 2dr cpe SD clone 11.84 @ 111mph
    Owned my GTO since 1987. Purchased it for 150.00. It had been abandon in a field for 15 years. Car included gauges and Rally I's
    Outdoors, GTO's, and now drag racing
  • Signature
    A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    1966 GTO Hardtop - PS 14.84 @ 97mph


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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 10:16 PM
  • Join Date: 06-18-2002
  • Referrals: 0

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