devauxmidwest devauxmidwest is offline

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Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 17
  1. Rapdron
    02-28-2018 12:24 AM
    Hi Rick
    If Keith can't help you, I have a gold/clear 65-66 wheel.
    Not NOS, it has 2 small cracks on the backside which are not visible once the wheel is installed.
    I bought it for my 66 Catalina wagon, but I found a restored wood wheel for it.
    I paid $500 for it, will resell it for that plus shipping.

    Thanks, Ron or text me @ (732) 238-5730
  2. devauxmidwest
    06-29-2015 06:11 PM
    Thanks Ken!
  3. aushiedog
    06-29-2015 04:12 PM
    Tracking #1Z870X200343477818
  4. devauxmidwest
    04-13-2015 02:50 PM
    Sorry, I don't have text capability. My email is if you can send the pics there.
  5. Ram4king
    04-12-2015 08:47 PM
    Text my phone 267-246-6903 I'll send you pics. The tach is in exceptional condition. Don't know if I have an extra harness. They are easy to get
  6. gtofreek
    03-15-2015 08:40 PM
    Still nothing?
  7. gtofreek
    03-15-2015 02:32 PM
    Just resent it so we will see if it goes through.
  8. gtofreek
    03-15-2015 02:24 PM
    Hey, have you received any of the PM's I sent you? One last Wednesday, and one today. Not sure if the PM system is working.
  9. incommunicado
    02-26-2015 08:29 AM
    the trim rings I bought from Ames at Norwalk last year. I wasnt sure about them, only about $100 for the set of 4, not sure? The style is not the same as the original 14 inch used, but they look good and are close enough for now. Once I get home in a couple months I can get you specific details.
  10. thebuick
    02-12-2015 12:21 PM
    I have one on the py site for sale check it out.

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  • About devauxmidwest
    67 Grand Prix
    Colorado Springs, CO


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  • Last Activity: 09-02-2021 10:12 PM
  • Join Date: 12-01-2014
  • Referrals: 0

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