Jack Gifford Jack Gifford is offline

formerly 'Pontiac Jack'

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. millermeee
    12-15-2024 05:41 PM
    Can you message me location, I'm interested in buying the rev limiter. Thx
    10-29-2021 11:58 AM
    Sorry but ive been kicked off the py forum for a while....anyways what are you asking for the intake? i just thought of something i have KRE high ports the intake bolts are different from a stock pontiac intake.
  3. Tom Vaught
    08-10-2021 06:22 PM
    Tom Vaught
    NEW RECORD at Bonneville today with the Small engine in the George Poteet Streamliner.

    475 mph at the end of the 4th mile.

    Hope you make it out there at some point Jack.

    Even if you are not racing.

    Tom Vaught
  4. Heybuck
    07-08-2021 03:03 AM
    Hi Jack
    Am I correct in thinking you are the guy with a 1916 Buick? If so, I think we have communicated before. A mate of mine had a DX44 1916. He has passed away and I have found a crown wheel etc (but no pinion). All carefully wrapped and I cant see any wear on it. Is it any use to you? Shipping would be costly though. I just don't want to throw it out if I cant sell it here.
    Let me know
    07-27-2018 12:02 PM
    hey jack will you be going to Norwalk this year I will be there with the coupe we are leaving early Friday morning
    08-23-2016 01:47 PM
    hey jack I see the Watkins vintage day is in a couple weeks have you heard anything about it yet

    thanks chris
  7. tricarb3
    01-24-2015 09:52 PM
    Hi Jack. You were referred to me by Tom S. Could you provide me the proper order for pulling a automatic trans from a 59 Pontiac. I do not see how the fluid coupler clears the bellhousing. Thanks.
  8. Tom Hand
    12-20-2014 04:57 PM
    Tom Hand
    Hi Jack and I am so so glad you finally got to hear them. Amazing mufflers they truly are and it's too bad others can't actually hear them like you and I can.

About Me

  • About Jack Gifford
    Pontiac-powered '59 GMC, 467 HO in '83 Suburban, 1926 Pontiac 2-door coach, 1967 Falcon Futura
    Ran my blown alcohol hemi Pontiac to 9,000 RPM on almost every event of my final pulling season (1998). Vermont state points champion 1996.
    Phelps, NY 14532
    Machining, fabrication, music
    retired (from some(!) things)
  • Signature
    Anybody else on this planet campaign a M/T hemi Pontiac for eleven seasons?
    ... or has built a record breaking DOHC hemi four cylinder Pontiac?
    ... or has driven a couple laps of Nuerburgring with Tri-Power Pontiac power?(back in 1967)
    ... or has a Pontiac born the same year as Jim Wangers? (1926}


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General Information
  • Last Activity: Today 02:42 AM
  • Join Date: 12-02-2004
  • Referrals: 3


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