steve25 steve25 is offline

Ultimate Warrior

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. nytrainer
    12-21-2024 04:01 PM
  2. Sean295
    09-23-2022 07:37 PM
    I am working on a 400 with a set of 1968 16s and a set of 6x 4 heads... looking for help... can either one be ported to get enough flow with a 461 stroker kit and give me 500hp ?
  3. supersport#69
    10-10-2020 01:12 AM
    Yeah I did. Cars not at the shop yet though.
  4. Jeffs64Cat
    09-01-2017 05:38 PM
    Thanks for the help
  5. bober
    04-25-2016 06:44 PM
    Hey Steve ; Do you have an est. of Pont. 400 bare block weight for shipping ?
  6. bober
    11-02-2014 08:51 AM
    I'm planning a 455 stock rebuild and I was going to reuse the 6x4's I have on my 350 now on the 455. I may have a set of 96's that I can pick up for 50.00 so I thought if they may be a better choice I'd get them ! I just didn't want to have a set of heads that I couldn't resell if I don't use them ! Thanks
  7. nmoreilly
    04-14-2014 11:12 AM
    I left you a voicemail lastnight, let me know when it might be a good time to speak. 646-641-4289

About Me

  • About steve25
    Westchester NY
  • Signature
    Wernher Von Braun warned before his retirement from NASA back in 1972, that the next world war would be against the ETs!
    And he was not talking about 1/8 or 1/4 mile ETs!

    1) 1940s 100% silver 4 cup tea server set.

    Two dry rotted 14 x 10 Micky Thompson slicks.

    1) un-mailed in gift coupon from a 1972 box of corn flakes.
    Two pairs of brown leather flip flops, never seen more then 2 mph.

    Education is what your left with once you forget things!


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  • Last Activity: Yesterday 06:48 PM
  • Join Date: 05-09-2008
  • Referrals: 0


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