Daubert20 Daubert20 is offline

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  1. Daubert20
    07-25-2019 07:50 PM
    Thanks! It was nice to meet you. Good call on the restaurant too. It was good!

    Hope you had a good ride home. Ours was hot but thankfully the car did good!
    07-24-2019 03:04 PM
    Hey nice meeting you and seeing your 65 in Gettysburg!
  3. Daubert20
    07-02-2017 08:34 PM
    No, not this year. Hoping to get my pop out there soon. He's still holding onto his Macungie flea market space. I think Norwalk would be more fun!
  4. straycat
    06-26-2017 02:59 PM
    Hey you going to Norwalk this year?

About Me

  • About Daubert20
    65 GTO Hardtop - Burgundy, 65 GTO Hardtop - Red, 72 Olds Cutlass Supreme M20
    When I was born, I rode home from the hospital in my parents bristol blue 61 Ventura with a 421 / 4-speed. As a little kid our family cars were GTO's (a 65 and 69). I have owned my burgundy 65 since 1988. Also own a very rough red 65 GTO hardtop that I hope to fix with my son. I enjoy working on cars and going to car shows with my Dad who has a 61 Cat with Ventura trim and interior and the same 421 and 4 speed from the Ventura.

    Ultimate GTO - http://ultimategto.com/cgi-bin/showca
    Lehigh Valley, PA
    Pontiacs, Oldsmobiles
    Mechanical Engineer - BSME Penn State
  • Signature
    GTO Association of Pennsylvania


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  • Last Activity: 02-14-2025 01:09 PM
  • Join Date: 07-30-2014
  • Referrals: 0


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