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NeighborsComplaint 08-12-2021 02:08 AM

So sorry to hear this sad news.

sdbob 08-12-2021 04:54 AM

I just got up.slept about 3 hrs cant just shaking like having the chills. I sleep in a recliner ,lady reended me 6 yrs ago, lower back problem basically ok but cant sleep laying down. We both are involved in our church,community. Yes I just keep trying to find some meaning, some peace. She is at peace.The creator needed her. He knows best not as I will.just keep shaking.A good friend a nurse said its normal was with me all ok just lost.Talk to dr,priest,mortician Thursday.

RUDOLFSSON 08-12-2021 04:55 AM

Sorry for your loss brother.

dhcarguy 08-12-2021 05:35 AM

So sorry for your loss. I don't know what I would do without my wife of 49 years.
I will be thinking about you and hope you get through this with your family and friends.

stags 08-12-2021 06:37 AM

Just saw this thread - prayers and thoughts for your loss from such an unexpected event.
I'm sure your faith, family and friends will help you through it but for now it's in God's hands. Mark O.

Elarson 08-12-2021 06:51 AM

Hard to find the right words...
Just know that she is still with in a different way.
Stay strong and live how she would want you to, because she knows....

And you have your distant "family" here.


Torquewar 08-12-2021 07:42 AM

My deepest condolences to you. Take care of yourself and continue to use the support of family and friends .

lemansboy70 08-12-2021 07:48 AM

So sorry for your loss. Prayers sent.


buds56 08-12-2021 09:18 AM

Thoughts and prayers sent your way

nashcar 08-12-2021 09:31 AM

I’m sorry for your loss Bob. Try to stay occupied with something.

22687 08-12-2021 10:00 AM

Sincere condolences.

Sirrotica 08-12-2021 10:07 AM

Bob, I'm so sorry to hear about this, and sorry for your loss.

I know that we all want to be in command of our destiny, but I know for a fact that our Father is really in charge. We as mere mortals many times don't understand the "why" of his plans.

I have reached out before for prayers on this forum, and you, and others have responded when asked. I, and your extended family at PY will return the favor in your time of need. Hopefully prayer will bring you some comfort, and reflection on this event that will help you through this.

I know you're strong in your faith, so place this in God's hands to bring you through this. The people here will keep you in prayer.

bird72 08-12-2021 10:53 AM

Bob, I have lost two sons, both teenagers. So unfortunately, I have two experiences in loss. What I will share is don't feel obligated to talk with people of the circumstance and details about your loss. I remember when like you, trying to wrap my head around what happened. And answering questions from well meaning people, also trying to understand. I wound up comforting them while I was going insane. Don't feel the need to tell anyone anything. You can say, maybe down the road we can talk, but not now. You have no responsibility to anyone but you now, and you need to take care of yourself. Eat well, Walk around the block. God is in nature, breath the air outside. Your wife would want you to find a way to continue. Lean on all the Poncho brothers here. Sending love to you, and prayer to the Big Guy for your cherished wife.

tigergto 08-12-2021 12:02 PM

So very sorry about the death of your wife.

sdbob 08-12-2021 12:11 PM

Thank you all. She was my strength, I'm 6'2 -270. However would say I'm hers. She I believe in heaven with her mother and family. I'm going rely on her intercession, and the creators to guide me. I have no interest in the cars the model trains ,die cast collection. No interest in tv and Id watch history,nat geo,old movies. Now nothing,like a ton of bricks hit I'm just spinning,lost distraught. Going to funeral home for burial options. Please please hug your love ones today ,you never know the last time! If I can get you guys to do that , I'll be thankful. God Bless

Longs 08-12-2021 12:31 PM

My sincere condolences on the loss of your wife, it's hard to imagine going through that. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

vertigto 08-12-2021 01:30 PM

My prayers are with you and your family. Allow yourself to grieve. It will take some time, but things will get better. Know that she is in a better place and waiting to be reunited someday.

Mr_GTO 08-12-2021 01:41 PM

Bob, nothing other than your family and friends matter right now. Don't worry about cars or trains or anything else. Take care of yourself. If friends or family offer to take you out, talk, or whatever do what feels best to you. Everyone mourns differently. Just take care of yourself. I am very sorry for your loss.

RA462 08-12-2021 01:47 PM

I'm so so sorry about your wife Bob. Amy messaged me this morning and told me the news. I remember you talking to your wife in the motorhome at Norwalk just 2 weeks ago. We never got to meet her but always loved the snacks she sent with you to the track. Let the car stuff sit for a while. It will be there when you are ready. If you need someone to talk to you have my number. You are like extended family to us and you are in our thoughts.

Todd and Kandi Sedlmeier

'ol Pinion head 08-12-2021 01:59 PM

oh Man, am at a loss for words :(
Bob, you are in our prayers!

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