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Tom Vaught 12-13-2018 07:10 PM

Speaking of Posting why don't all three of you call it a night and we can verbally spar tomorrow?

Tom V.

Slick 12-13-2018 07:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Tom Vaught (Post 5966858)
What? A poll with 6 CV-1 Guys voting? You are so funny.

When you old you don't need to be able to run to keep up with your guys.

By the way, your post sounded like a threat.

No, I know that you would never do that because if you were cutting my tires with a knife and I was in the vehicle, you would force me to exit my vehicles and make a citizen's arrest with my personal carry weapon until the Ohio Police could arrest you.

And of course there would be lots of people around, the tires that you managed to cut with your knife, and the threatening post that you made on this board.
How would I not think that you would knife me next. So I would be defending myself if in a nervous moment if I shot you multiple times. Think about what you have posted here Bill.

Course now if we were friends and you were just running your mouth on the PY Board, and apologized, we could still be buddies and continue to throw verbal jabs at each other every day.

Think hard about what you just posted.

Tom V.

That poll sure as he!! existed. When I first saw it, I had no idea who the players were, but as I recall, it was started to show how hated the CV-1 guys were , but Tom Vaught was the winner of the "most hated" by leaps and bounds. IIRC Lil Jack was 2nd. But, it's been awhile. Moderators probably deleted it.

ANYONE reading Tom Vaught's posts in this thread will come to the same conclusion. Not a soul will think him the poor victim of an attack, knife or verbal, rather, the instigator.

Tom, you are simply incapable of shutting TFU. You cannot do it. You're digging so deep, you're wearing out the shovel.

Do the people for whom you are a spokesperson know that you behave like this? Do they approve, or just look the other way because you make them look like professionals?

Sirrotica 12-13-2018 09:16 PM

Is this the, Another Horn that blows constantly! thread?

Ooops my mistake, that's the Electrical tech section......;)

GTOGEORGE 12-13-2018 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Tom Vaught (Post 5966869)
No George, let me make it clear for you, I did not make a threat, I made a PROMISE.

I said if we went to court and I won I would take your car as part of the judgement and cut it up at norwalk. I was just stating a fact.

Tom V.

Nope sweetheart I’m talking about the threats you made before that....I have them still.

GTO George

cdrookie 12-14-2018 02:48 AM

Vaught, Did your daughter read over this thread yet? Premeditated is the word that comes to mind. If I was APD I'd have to get a restraining order against you. And I'd hope he tells his loved ones that if anything unexpected ever happens to him, the police should question Tom V.

So now first you want a link to the Public Enemy #1 poll, because you no doubt whined to admin or the mods and got it deleted. You mentioned about Bart deleting this thread. How many PM's have you sent to him begging for that to happen? How come when you were bashing anything CV-1 the thread would just get locked? Slick you was correct in your top 2 picks of the poll by the way.

For the record, I'm not a CV-1 guy but I respect them and any other manufacturer that go out on a limb to try and make Pontiac better. I think Gto George sometimes talks too much, Chief was irritating when he first started posting but after reading his posts more, he's pretty stinking knowledgeable and has a quick wit. That open forum comment still has me laughing. I've never had to send a PM to any of them. Slick seems like a hell of a guy also. We've all come together because we have the same goal. Who's come to save you Vaught? Nobody has jumped in and said you weren't PE#1, nobody has said anything to defend you at all. How many times have you "quit" posting in a section or on the board? I was searching for something once and was way back years ago and came across a comment about you no longer posting on this board. You don't sound like a popular guy if you're always getting run off.

Some of your replies are so childish I think you're in the early stages of dementia.

When you wake up do you say your daily affirmations?

Jack Gifford 12-14-2018 03:56 AM

Score in this thread: Electric supercharger posts 5%; Ego posts 95%.

Tom Vaught 12-14-2018 07:02 AM


Originally Posted by Slick (Post 5966903)
That poll sure as he!! existed. When I first saw it, I had no idea who the players were, but as I recall, it was started to show how hated the CV-1 guys were , but Tom Vaught was the winner of the "most hated" by leaps and bounds. IIRC Lil Jack was 2nd. But, it's been awhile. Moderators probably deleted it.

ANYONE reading Tom Vaught's posts in this thread will come to the same conclusion. Not a soul will think him the poor victim of an attack, knife or verbal, rather, the instigator.

Tom, you are simply incapable of shutting TFU. You cannot do it. You're digging so deep, you're wearing out the shovel.

Do the people for whom you are a spokesperson know that you behave like this? Do they approve, or just look the other way because you make them look like professionals?

I retired a couple of years ago. I speak for no one. No one speaks for me.

Have a great new day Slick. It is Christmas season

Tom V.

GTOGEORGE 12-14-2018 01:35 PM

OK now we got passed all the stupid stuff how about some Electric Supercharger stuff? :)

GTO George

Tom Vaught 12-14-2018 06:04 PM

Worked on this one for a couple of years with Borg Warner Engineers "EBOOST" (Electric Supercharger).
Before that we looked at R2S Turbo Systems (for about 5 years) which were a small turbo and a large turbo with each turbo filling in part of the Turbo Engine Map.

EBoost also can be used as staged Turbo System that compounds the boost number.
EBoost compressor feeds into the large compressor inlet.
See schematic in the link.

EBoost can be turned on (almost right off idle) for a boost (acceleration) improvement.

Tom V.

Half-Inch Stud 12-14-2018 07:04 PM

I see electrical Boost only as "Secondaries". Helluva non-bog.

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