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sdbob 08-11-2021 05:11 PM

While working in garage wife had massive heart attack
Working in garage came in for lunch. Wife on porch I thought she was snoozing.Ckd after about half hour no response. She had what they are saying a heart attack still testing,but stable.However she is not responsive Dr said, but just need to wait. I was holding her hand for about an hour,she seemed to know I was there.

Brewster 08-11-2021 05:15 PM

Wow, prayers Bob. God I hope everything will be okay. Godspeed brother.

einstein 08-11-2021 05:18 PM

Oh, man. Praying for her and you.

JSuchma 08-11-2021 05:24 PM

It's a blessing you were at the house. Prayers to you and your wife.

johnta1 08-11-2021 05:33 PM

Sorry to hear that Bob.


Praying for good outcome.


Jim Moshier 08-11-2021 05:35 PM

Wow, prayers Bob. God I hope everything will be okay

Ogre 08-11-2021 05:47 PM

Prayers from here Bob.


JSchmitz 08-11-2021 06:01 PM

Prayers sent. Best of luck to you and your wife! :(

tempest1964 08-11-2021 06:14 PM

Prayers for you and your wife. Thank goodness you were there.

Half-Inch Stud 08-11-2021 06:27 PM

oh geez, prayed for recovery. been humid.

Simple Man 08-11-2021 06:29 PM

WOW! Thoughts and prayers.

428goat 08-11-2021 06:57 PM

Prayers from here too.

sdbob 08-11-2021 07:07 PM

Thank you all. Dr said she was without oxygen to long.Not responsive. They may have been able to help the heart but she wasnt responding. So we her good friend and I decided what she would want so we stopped the life saving after 20 minutes. She was 5'4" 125 lbs the Energizer bunny.took very good care of me and our animals.prayed rosary every day Now I'm lost. I'm thinking all the hobbies arent worth anything without her,42 years. I'm very weepy and lost right now never thought this. To you guys and girls hug your family you never know the last when it will come@!! I do,did I do enough?

Heybuck 08-11-2021 07:22 PM

You can't and shouldn't blame yourself Bob. You have clearly done the best for her by listening to the Doctors advice to let her go.

It's going to be tough for a long time but you need to focus on all the good times and stay focused on them. Keep maintaining your property, your animals and your friends as she has done in the past. They need you as much as you need them

Very sorry for your loss mate


vr1967 08-11-2021 07:58 PM

Sorry to hear. Praying for you. My condolenses

400 4spd. 08-11-2021 08:11 PM

I'm so sorry to read this news about your wife. But take comfort in knowing she is of strong faith and what that means for her in eternity.
My wife has put up with me for 45 years, and if lost her I would be crushed too. But I believe Ian is right, give yourself time to grieve and heal before making any major changes in your life. One day at a time, my friend.

RamblerRacer 08-11-2021 08:13 PM

I am very sorry for your loss Bob.

I am new here and don't know much about you or your family, but.... you mentioned her praying the rosary.
So I know that tonight she is in Heaven, in a room her Father has prepared for her since the beginning of time.
I can imagine how tough it is but there is a bit that you can rejoice in and know someday you will be together again.

Peace be with you Bob and to all who mourn the loss of your wife.


boltbuster 08-11-2021 08:14 PM

I am so sorry for your loss. Clearly, she was a woman of God, and has gone to be with Him. Be of good faith during this most difficult time. I will keep you in my prayers.

Jerry H. 08-11-2021 08:15 PM

So, So sorry for your loss Bob. I lost my wife of 48 years about 3 years ago. I know you're in shock right now and the pain will linger. I miss mine more everyday. Prayers for you and your family

ta6point6 08-11-2021 08:16 PM

Wow sorry to hear that, 42 years together, you did more then enough. You held one hand while God held the other hand.

prostreet64 08-11-2021 08:17 PM

Very sorry for your loss. And thank for the reminder to love on our loved ones while we can because we don't know when our time will come. I believe the Lord has numbered our days but we have no guarantee of tomorrow. Your wife has reached her eternal home and in that place there is joy and happiness that we cannot imagine. That doesn't remove the grief but it does give us a hope.

sdbob 08-11-2021 08:46 PM

Please please hug family right now. You never know the last time. I know. I lost and shocked

David Jones 08-11-2021 08:46 PM

I can’t imagine Bob.
I’ll lift all involved in prayer.

carcrazy 08-11-2021 09:07 PM

Very sorry for your loss. I know what you are going through as I went through it myself several years ago. My heart goes out to you and your family.

Lightfoot 08-11-2021 09:25 PM

My heartfelt sympathies go out to you, Bob.

67GTONUT 08-11-2021 09:30 PM


So sorry for your loss.....

Thoughts and prayers for you and family....

GT182 08-11-2021 09:48 PM

I'm sorry to hear of your loss Bob. My condolences to you and the family.

This might not sound good, but at least she didn't suffer like my dad and mom did with cancer. God needed her and didn't want her to suffer. She'll be looking down on you with kind words, and with love. God bless her and you.

4dblnkldude 08-11-2021 09:54 PM

I hope she makes a speedy recovery, I'll say a prayer.

sdbob 08-11-2021 10:03 PM

I'm sitting in living room where we use to watch old movies at night. I'm just totally lost,weepy
so alone, just need to talk ,we basically have no family. We were childless not by choice. Have a few close friends. All the SD parts, cars do not mean a thing right now.

Brewster 08-11-2021 10:28 PM

Hey Bob, my condolences. Prayers are being sent to help keep you strong. Godspeed my friend. Brian

fyrffytr1 08-11-2021 10:46 PM

Prayers sent for you Bob.I have lost my parents and all four brothers and my wife has lost her parents and only brother. All I have left is a son by my first marriage. Just remember, we never lose the ones we love, they walk beside us every day.

turbo69bird 08-11-2021 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by sdbob (Post 6271589)
Thank you all. Dr said she was without oxygen to long.Not responsive. They may have been able to help the heart but she wasnt responding. So we her good friend and I decided what she would want so we stopped the life saving after 20 minutes. She was 5'4" 125 lbs the Energizer bunny.took very good care of me and our animals.prayed rosary every day Now I'm lost. I'm thinking all the hobbies arent worth anything without her,42 years. I'm very weepy and lost right now never thought this. To you guys and girls hug your family you never know the last when it will come@!! I do,did I do enough?

I don’t know you bob but you sound like a good and decent man .I’m sure you did what you felt was best. That’s about all one can do. Hopefully this family here ( Pontiac family )can help you through.

I know the rest of life won’t seem as I important, but I have to believe you will find enjoyment in things again. I personally will be thinking of you and so will others that you won’t even know are.... I can’t even imagine how hard this is for you and I feel for you.
God bless you, don’t be afraid to reach out to people. Myself included.

1965gp 08-11-2021 11:38 PM

I’m so sorry for your loss. Keep talking here if it helps

turbo69bird 08-11-2021 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by sdbob (Post 6271638)
I'm sitting in living room where we use to watch old movies at night. I'm just totally lost,weepy
so alone, just need to talk ,we basically have no family. We were childless not by choice. Have a few close friends. All the SD parts, cars do not mean a thing right now.

Bob, I certainly don’t have all the answers
Those items may not seem like anything right now . But maybe there is a reason why you mentioned them.
Maybe your subconscious is trying to reason out what value they have to you just as you stated.... well take the time to answer your question. Only you know the true answer to that, but I’d think that those parts , those cars may be what helps you heal. What helps you connect with people in the future, what gives you a purpose.

Maybe it’s a gift, a blessing to have those cars and parts. After all there’s a whole community of people here that many wouldn’t have .

unruhjonny 08-12-2021 12:32 AM

Bob, I don't know you from Adam nor you, me - but that doesn't change my thoughts on reading your posts in this thread (I only just came across this discussion).

My heart goes out to you.

I will pray for you, that you might find a peace that surpasses understanding, and that you are able to focus on the wonderful memories that you have with your wife.

Please try to not be alone too much right now, call your friends, call her friends...

Formulabruce 08-12-2021 12:44 AM

If you need to talk, PM me and Ill call you. We all have common ground on here and staying in touch with folks is a good thing. Be safe and stay in touch. Praying for you .., Take care, FB

Lemans64 08-12-2021 01:07 AM

Real sorry to hear of your loss. Thought's are with you.

bird72 08-12-2021 01:09 AM

Bob, so sorry for you. From my experience, time may not exactly heal, as they say, but time, eventually, will indeed help. Be strong brother.

salem1912 08-12-2021 01:49 AM

Sorry for your loss Bob, God Bless.

Chris65LeMans 08-12-2021 01:51 AM

I’m sorry for your loss.

NeighborsComplaint 08-12-2021 02:08 AM

So sorry to hear this sad news.

sdbob 08-12-2021 04:54 AM

I just got up.slept about 3 hrs cant just shaking like having the chills. I sleep in a recliner ,lady reended me 6 yrs ago, lower back problem basically ok but cant sleep laying down. We both are involved in our church,community. Yes I just keep trying to find some meaning, some peace. She is at peace.The creator needed her. He knows best not as I will.just keep shaking.A good friend a nurse said its normal was with me all ok just lost.Talk to dr,priest,mortician Thursday.

RUDOLFSSON 08-12-2021 04:55 AM

Sorry for your loss brother.

dhcarguy 08-12-2021 05:35 AM

So sorry for your loss. I don't know what I would do without my wife of 49 years.
I will be thinking about you and hope you get through this with your family and friends.

stags 08-12-2021 06:37 AM

Just saw this thread - prayers and thoughts for your loss from such an unexpected event.
I'm sure your faith, family and friends will help you through it but for now it's in God's hands. Mark O.

Elarson 08-12-2021 06:51 AM

Hard to find the right words...
Just know that she is still with in a different way.
Stay strong and live how she would want you to, because she knows....

And you have your distant "family" here.


Torquewar 08-12-2021 07:42 AM

My deepest condolences to you. Take care of yourself and continue to use the support of family and friends .

lemansboy70 08-12-2021 07:48 AM

So sorry for your loss. Prayers sent.


buds56 08-12-2021 09:18 AM

Thoughts and prayers sent your way

nashcar 08-12-2021 09:31 AM

I’m sorry for your loss Bob. Try to stay occupied with something.

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