PY Online Forums - Bringing the Pontiac Hobby Together

PY Online Forums - Bringing the Pontiac Hobby Together (

Greg Reid 03-26-2022 09:32 PM

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note added by Stuart: If you're having weird problems with getting redirects to Facebook when using the forum, try changing your view: scroll down to the bottom of the screen, and in the lower left there is a little window where you can select different methods of viewing the board. The problem appears to be related to using the "responsive 2017" format. Change it to one of the other options and try again.

Anyone else getting dozens of friend requests everyday recently?
I have a Facebook account but I'm not really active. I've been getting friend requests for years from people I don't know but I usually accept them when I see some type of car, especially Pontiacs on their page. It's just in my nature not to be rude but lately I'm wondering WTF? Could Facebook be faking requests just to stir up some kind of activity?
I just don't understand why so many people would want to befriend me when I'm really not doing anything of any interest to them or anyone else for that matter.

dhutton 03-26-2022 09:53 PM

I only have folks I know as friends. Once you start accepting friend requests from folks you don’t know you open the floodgates. I suggest you purge friends you don’t know and set your privacy settings such that only friends see what you post etc.


Greg Reid 03-26-2022 10:14 PM

As soon as I figure out how to do it I
It's going to take me a while. I just looked and I have nearly 500 friends. I probably know less than 100 of them.

ID67goat 03-26-2022 10:51 PM

Be careful, I would not accept unknown " friends". Never know what their motivation might be.

einstein 03-26-2022 11:14 PM

For 10 years, I could always find a reason (distant family/friends, church, hobbies) to justify "being on Facebook", meanwhile in the back of my mind was the true concept: "if the service is free, you're not the customer, you're the product". One day it just shifted to forefront, and being a piece of Mark Zuckerberg's inventory was no longer something I was willing to tolerate.

Getting on the book and remaining for 10 years are among my biggest regrets.


lfdsteve 03-27-2022 08:24 AM

I believe it is an “automatic” feature. I recently relented and opened an account specifically for access to market place.
Within days received 4 friend requests. i asked each of them personally if they tried to request a connection and all 4 said no.
More social media bull ****….

necdb3 03-27-2022 08:46 AM

I think facebook started sending "friend suggestion" it's not a friend request. Facebook thinks you have something in common with someone rather than someone specifically sending you a friend request. I've been seeing the same thing the last month or so.

Verdoro 68 03-27-2022 10:56 AM

I set my account so that only friends of friends can send me requests. Seems to limit the random requests pretty well. You can do this under privacy settings.

Greg Reid 03-27-2022 11:27 AM

No, I get many friend suggestions but these are actual requests.
Ken, I think that's where I screwed up. I believe at least one of the people I accepted probably has like 1 million friends and now all of a sudden a lot of the request I'm getting are from people who have only one friend in common and when I check many times it's the same guy.
At this point I'm just ignoring them. I've gotten at least 20 more since I started this thread yesterday.
I'm beginning to think that it is a Facebook's automatic feature. I don't really believe all of those people are requesting my friendship.
Another thing that I've noticed over the years is that I sometimes get friend requests from people that I'm pretty sure I'm already friends with from years ago.
Like einstein, I'm reluctant to suspend the account but only for the sake of a very few people. Mostly younger relatives who do a lot on those sites. I have suspended the account before and I'm very close to doing it again.

JSchmitz 03-27-2022 11:53 AM

It's false drama. LinkedIn does the same thing, "You appeared in ten searches today". That's why I turned that one off.

Verdoro 68 03-27-2022 12:19 PM

That is annoying and sounds suspect. Might consider unfriending that guy with a million friends and locking your profile down as best you can.

67drake 03-27-2022 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Greg Reid (Post 6329759)
Anyone else getting dozens of friend requests everyday recently?
I have a Facebook account but I'm not really active. I've been getting friend requests for years from people I don't know but I usually accept them when I see some type of car, especially Pontiacs on their page. It's just in my nature not to be rude but lately I'm wondering WTF? Could Facebook be faking requests just to stir up some kind of activity?
I just don't understand why so many people would want to befriend me when I'm really not doing anything of any interest to them or anyone else for that matter.

Why would anyone NOT want to friend you Greg? Word gets around, you’re a popular guy! :)

71GP76TA 03-27-2022 12:43 PM

I only accept friend requests from people I know personally.

Greg Reid 03-27-2022 12:47 PM

I guess being a celebrity does have its
I am so 'not' the Facebook guy that I don't even know how to unfriend someone... I'm going to find out though. It is annoying. Having to delete 30 or 40 Facebook emails a day alone is enough to drive you batty.

Sirrotica 03-27-2022 01:13 PM

My facebook profile is our deceased english bull dog, I do occasionally get other bull dog owners that want to befriend me, I just ignore or delete them.....:D

When he ( Charlie, the bull dog ) was still alive, my wife used my E mail address so she could have access to other bull dog groups etc. I kept it in his name so no one bothers me for the most part.....;)

I don't use the social media at all, I just mostly have it for marketplace.

My mother in law uses her dogs profile too, seems to work pretty well.


Greg Reid 03-27-2022 04:10 PM

Yeah, that's probably the best way... incognito and share the name only with the people of your choosing.

misterp266 03-27-2022 04:57 PM

My FB account has a profile picture and that’s it. No, it’s not of me. I have no posts and no friends. I only have it so I can see other FB pages and also Marketplace. That’s it.

Formulabruce 03-28-2022 01:50 AM

Fakebook stock has dropped some in last Month or two and the accelerated friend stuff is their answer.
I am glad their is MEWE as its an open platform that does try to steer the people

necdb3 03-28-2022 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Greg Reid (Post 6329850)
No, I get many friend suggestions but these are actual requests.
Ken, I think that's where I screwed up. I believe at least one of the people I accepted probably has like 1 million friends and now all of a sudden a lot of the request I'm getting are from people who have only one friend in common and when I check many times it's the same guy.
At this point I'm just ignoring them. I've gotten at least 20 more since I started this thread yesterday.
I'm beginning to think that it is a Facebook's automatic feature. I don't really believe all of those people are requesting my friendship.
Another thing that I've noticed over the years is that I sometimes get friend requests from people that I'm pretty sure I'm already friends with from years ago.
Like einstein, I'm reluctant to suspend the account but only for the sake of a very few people. Mostly younger relatives who do a lot on those sites. I have suspended the account before and I'm very close to doing it again.

My "friend suggestions" aren't friend requests. A request if I respond "accept" I am now that persons friend. A suggestion would be me sending that person a request and I would need that person to accept. I think that's FB trying to expand everyone's base.

bird72 03-28-2022 10:46 AM

Greg, I guess it may be like you say, tied into a friend you accepted, who has a zillion friends. I am a light FB user. I get maybe one serious friend request every couple months and maybe a couple randomish requests every month or so. some people collect "friends" like trading cards with thousands. I only friend people with like interests, like obvious Pontiac people, or obvious from music pages I frequent. Once in a while I get friend requests from scantily dressed young women that make me feel old.... NO, I don't accept them :D

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