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Cliff R 08-21-2022 11:28 AM

Shooting in my back yard....
I let the dogs out yesterday morning at 4am and noticed a small aircraft flying low over the house. Didn't think much of it at first, then he came around again, then a helicopter circled past, then another one. Hum? As I got myself woke up a bit I realized that the Sheriffs Office must have finally located my neighbor and decide to arrest him. He jumped bond and has been at large for months, and now has a Federal Warrant for him.

They live on a "compound" about 1/4 mile behind my place. It's surrounded on 3 sides by a 12' fence and they will shoot anyone who dares trespass on them. They have been in trouble with the law for decades but seldom get charged and almost never convicted of anything.

Well it all ended yesterday after a stand off that lasted nearly 14 hours.

The bail bondsman was getting ready to loose $80,000 as his client had jumped bail. Lucky he wasn't killed trying to make the arrest. I drove across my property and came out on the other road and watched the entire incident unfold. I couldn't see the actual shooting as the corn was too tall but I could hear the shots and see the top of the armored vehicle as they encountered them. When the shooting stopped both brothers were deceased in the front seat of their side-by-side..........

OCMDGTO 08-21-2022 12:21 PM

That's one way to clean up the neighborhood. Looks like they ran a legit business surprisingly.

'ol Pinion head 08-21-2022 12:41 PM

Interesting. Be even more interesting to hear of all the crimes these brothers have supposedly committed.

Have no issue with those living in "compounds" Know of several rural areas in my state, that the only way one can keep from being a constant victim of thievery is to live in a very secure "compound".

Tom Vaught 08-21-2022 01:24 PM

A lot of information left out of this news story.

I could see the tall fence requirement when they obviously had a very large storage tank for their propane gas.

Tom V.

Steve C. 08-21-2022 01:31 PM

From the article:

"According to our source, the brothers lived in the home with their mother"

"... family's home on Gilchrist Road in Mt. Vernon."

If you do a search:

Alva D Wilhelm
Mt Vernon, OH

Result indicates these historical Addresses:

15266 Gilchrist Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050
14429 Gilchrist Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050

Both addresses are not far from Cliff's house.

Google search those addresses on Gilchrist Rd (also shown as road 8 on the map ).

The search also shows the location for "Cliff's Performance Quadrajet" on road 246 (also shown as Berry Rd on the map).

When you zoom in on 15266 Gilchrist location you can see nearby propane trucks parked just to the south.


geeteeohguy 08-21-2022 02:20 PM

Sounds like a huge improvement to the neighborhood has just been made. Congratulations, and glad you kept safe.

Cliff R 08-21-2022 04:50 PM

I personally haven't had any issues with them, but for sure I NEVER go that direction when I leave here. There have been a LOT of problems from folks getting vehicles shot at, vehicles shot, guns pulled on them, rounds fired thru buildings and homes, etc. It all ended yesterday. It was pretty much unavoidable and ended pretty much like everyone thought it would.

I went by the "compound" today and there were at least 30 LE vehicles at each residence on this end going thru their stuff. I hope it goes up for sale and the new owner takes the 1-2 miles of fence down that surrounds most of it. I'm just guessing at the length of the fence, but it's a BUNCH of it!.......

dataway 08-21-2022 05:09 PM


sdbob 08-21-2022 05:45 PM

Wow. Amazing.

Cliff R 08-22-2022 06:26 AM

Yes, they have 3 sides of the property surrounded by a tall fence. It's got to be 10-12' high, imagine what that cost? They tried to fence it all it but ODNR wouldn't allow it so it's open on one end.

I talked to a neighbor who lives closer to them and he was relevied now that they are gone. Last year he was bow hunting in the woods behind his house, which is pretty close to the South end of the Wilhelm property and someone shot a rifle that hit about 3' over his head in the tree he had his stand in. Yikes! He also said that ALL of his trail cameras were stolen and when they gun hunted last December someone on the Wilhelm property fired dozens of shots from a rifle into the trees above their heads.

Shortly after that incident someone emptied a 30 round AR mag into the farm house across the road from the Wilhem's property. That shooting happened a few nights after one of the Wilhelms argued with the land owner about letting a hunting party put on a deer hunt/drive on property that boardered theirs. They shot the gable end of the house and put quite a few rounds thru the owners SUV.

No one ever gets charged with any of these crimes, but everyone knew who was doing it.

I could write 3-4 full pages of things that happen related to encounters with them.

If nothing else we'll all same a LOT of money on tires. About twice a year they scatter a 50 pound box of sheet rock screws over on Gilhcrest road where it makes a turn to the West and heads toward town. I avoid going that direction as well but have paid for it a few times when I pull in the driveway and a couple of tires go flat. Deb pulled in once with here SUV and one of the tires went flat. When I jacked it up to find out what was in it there was a big clump of sheet rock screws stuck in the tread in one area and two of them had punctured the tire. She must have ran over a pile of them right before getting back to the house.

Now that it's all over I should be able to put my tire plug kit away and everyone in this neck of the woods will sleep a little better at night!........

bob d 08-22-2022 07:29 AM

Good thing that you don't live in N.Y.
. They would get an appearance ticket and set free.

sdbob 08-22-2022 07:57 AM

Seemingly good business they had. Druggies
didnt seem to be, you would think that of druggies. Just problems mentally I guess. Funny it's both brothers not just one. I cant imagine the relief to all affected.

Steve C. 08-22-2022 08:30 AM

Their mother was arrested years ago over a argument about a fire she apparently started in a street culvert. This was at another address prior to the one by Cliff.
The two brothers father, now passed away, was a licensed firearms dealer.


Mr Anonymous 08-22-2022 08:30 AM

An incendiary round into the propane truck would have also added an interesting element.

dataway 08-22-2022 08:36 AM

They seem to keep a very neat and well groomed piece of property for a bunch of lunatics.

Cliff R 08-22-2022 09:23 AM

Lunatics or fanatics, take your pick. They pretty much stayed to themselves, seldom if ever seen out during the daytime. They would go to great lengths to protect their property, and to keep any deer from leaving it, or hunters on adjacent properties to harvest any deer. They seemed to be obsessed with deer hunting and had a zero tolerance for trespassers.

If you even came close to one of their properties (they had cameras everywhere) it wouldn't be minutes before they would show up. Some of those encounters led to guns being drawn and shots fired. They heavily posted and/or fenced in everything they owned.

I had a bad encounter with them about 20 years ago, just a few months after I moved here. I was given permission to deer hunt a piece of property not too far from here. I did NOT realize that it bordered the back end of one of their properties coming off another road, I used a climber and went up about 50 yards from the property line, BAD mistake on my part. About 10am the morning I first hunted it a guy with a rifle cam tromping thru the woods down the fence line that separated the properties. He hopped the fence and walked right toward me like he knew exactly where I was. He stopped about 25 yards away, I waved at him to make damn sure he actually saw me. He stopped, made no gestures at all, turned around went back up the hill, hopped back over the fence and disappeared from my view. About 2 minutes later I heard a couple of people talking, then all hell broke loose. They started firing rifles. I didn't have any bullets whiz by me but the shooting continued for at least 10 minutes and dozens and dozens of rounds were fired. They were so close it sounded like they were standing beside me with each round. Of course I didn't stick around any longer than it took me to get the climber to the ground and run down the hill in the opposite direction to my vehicle.

No harm done, and it's not illegal to fire guns on your property, but for sure I NEVER hunted that piece of property again.

A few days later I was telling my next door neighbor the story and he laughed at me for being so STUPID! Then he commensed to fill me in on all the things those two did to anyone that even dared to hunt any property close to theirs. Seems like I got off lucky after hearing all the stories.........

dataway 08-22-2022 09:34 AM

Looks like they also have a well laid out skeet/trap range out back.

Two brothers still living with mom on a fenced in compound ... I'm not saying that's not OK in the USA ... but it is the way a whole lot of slasher movies start :)

Wonder if the family name goes way back in the area ... some families have a hard time adapting when they've sold off the thousands of acres they used to own for generations. The family might have been a "big deal" locally 50-60 years ago.

Do they appear to be gibbering, narrow eyed inbreds?

Don't mean to make light of it, not much worse than having problem neighbors ... but hopefully they are gone for good now.

400 4spd. 08-22-2022 09:41 AM

If they got away with that kind of crap for all those years, I'd suspect a crooked sheriff had their backs.

Ron Landis 08-22-2022 09:53 AM

Saw that...did not realize that was close to you! Some kinda nutjobs...congrats on eliminating at least a couple of them. Scary stuff!

geeteeohguy 08-22-2022 04:58 PM

Less than an hour ago in the news it says that the police found over 1000 guns and 140,000 rounds of ammo. Also stated that their visit was to do a search and seizure of firearms and to serve a warrant. Did not say that these men were felons who should not have had guns. Also, as stated, if their father was a dealer, that amount of guns is not unusual. I know people who have many, many guns. And 140,000 rounds of ammo is not as much as it sounds like. It could be a couple hundred bricks of .22 along with a bunch of other stuff.
IMO, these guys were dirtbags. That said, if they had no felony records and legally owned their guns, the prospect of the government coming to seize them is unconstitutional and is indicative of a rouge government (which we've been seeing for years now) over-stepping. Without all the facts, hard to tell. I do know the police fired the first shots at Ruby Ridge and at Waco.

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