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Search: Posts Made By: Bruce Meyer
Forum: Pontiac - Street 01-04-2025, 05:33 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 685
Posted By dv657172
Finally success! As mentioned by Blueghost,...

Finally success!

As mentioned by Blueghost, B. Meyer, OG68 and dataway the primary issue was the PS motor mount.

I got the PS inside front edge of the mount over the engine crossmember...
Forum: Pontiac - Street 01-04-2025, 04:51 PM
Replies: 99
Views: 5,349
Posted By PAUL K
In the late 80's I used a 74 Formula as a daily...

In the late 80's I used a 74 Formula as a daily driver. Year around I drove that car. It was a mildly built 400 and the exhaust crossover was blocked. I got the idea from reading about the infamous...
Forum: Pontiac - Street 01-04-2025, 04:31 PM
Replies: 99
Views: 5,349
Posted By Formulajones
Yep, and like I mentioned, all the RAIV's and...

Yep, and like I mentioned, all the RAIV's and HO's had a separate cross over in an attempt to isolate the carb from it completely. Carb only got residual heat just like blocking a cross over.
Forum: Pontiac - Street 01-04-2025, 03:28 PM
Replies: 99
Views: 5,349
Posted By PAUL K
There must be something to it ..... Pontiac...

There must be something to it ..... Pontiac blocked half of them on the SD-455 and had to pass emissions.
Forum: Pontiac - Street 01-03-2025, 11:17 AM
Replies: 99
Views: 5,349
Posted By Formulajones
I think Bruce's comment has been misconstrued. ...

I think Bruce's comment has been misconstrued. The whole point is how many people actually drive their classic cars in cold weather today. Not 60 years ago. Sort of makes the whole cross over...
Forum: Pontiac - Street 12-04-2024, 07:29 PM
Replies: 16
Views: 695
Posted By 72projectbird
I've always just beat the bag outta them as soon...

I've always just beat the bag outta them as soon as they're installed. So far so good.
Forum: Pontiac - Street 11-26-2024, 06:55 PM
Replies: 62
Views: 2,786
Posted By Schurkey
Made in Communist China, filled with recognized...

Made in Communist China, filled with recognized junk parts. You think they spent extra money to perfect the casting? Or did they cut corners on everything except the casting? Can you see the...
Forum: Pontiac - Street 11-08-2024, 03:32 PM
Replies: 79
Views: 7,391
Posted By PAUL K
I think a lot of engine builders recommend thick...

I think a lot of engine builders recommend thick oil because it works. Hard to beat experience. I know one career SS racer that tried using thin oil and he had a rod knocking the following race. It...
Forum: 70-72 GTO Tempest & LeMans TECH 08-17-2024, 12:03 PM
Replies: 135
Views: 33,974
Looks fantastic!!!!

Looks fantastic!!!!
Forum: Pontiac - Race 08-10-2024, 05:34 PM
Replies: 32
Views: 3,118
Posted By mgarblik
NHRA Stock Class and Super Stock racers who are...

NHRA Stock Class and Super Stock racers who are at the top of their game, put tremendous effort in their rides. Many of the cars running 1 second or more under their index are cars that have been...
Forum: 70-72 GTO Tempest & LeMans TECH 06-29-2024, 11:07 AM
Replies: 135
Views: 33,974
Posted By johnta1
Looking good. Auto-leveled the pics: ...

Looking good.

Auto-leveled the pics:
(made less shadows/darkness)
Forum: 70-72 GTO Tempest & LeMans TECH 06-29-2024, 10:17 AM
Replies: 135
Views: 33,974
Posted By Tim Corcoran
That is going to be one sweet GTO when your done...

That is going to be one sweet GTO when your done and you couldn't have picked a better color. Those pictures are pretty dark. You might try turning on the flash next time.
Forum: 70-72 GTO Tempest & LeMans TECH 05-17-2024, 06:56 PM
Replies: 135
Views: 33,974
Posted By roger1
Me, I would find where the open is and the...

Me, I would find where the open is and the reason for it and fix it there. I have a Power Probe II which makes it easier to trace stuff like this. If I couldn't find it with that, I'd purchase...
Forum: Pontiac - Street 04-22-2024, 06:58 PM
Replies: 55
Views: 14,648
Posted By PAUL K
Maybe this will help explain things ...

Maybe this will help explain things

Pontiac found the 850 Holley to make more power than the Q-jet on...
Forum: 70-72 GTO Tempest & LeMans TECH 04-21-2024, 09:44 AM
Replies: 135
Views: 33,974
Posted By Pepper Judge

Need some...
Forum: 70-72 GTO Tempest & LeMans TECH 04-20-2024, 09:44 PM
Replies: 135
Views: 33,974
Posted By roger1
Just read thru the entire thread. Wow,...

Just read thru the entire thread. Wow, impressive build! Incredible painting skills too. I chickened out on painting my car the original Liberty Blue because of it being metallic. Your Atoll Blue...
Forum: 70-72 GTO Tempest & LeMans TECH 04-06-2024, 06:53 PM
Replies: 135
Views: 33,974
Posted By HWYSTR455
Dang that looks great! .

Dang that looks great!

Forum: Pontiac - Street 12-28-2023, 02:21 PM
Replies: 111
Views: 16,140
Posted By Gach
I would lose the quart of Lucas. Totally...

I would lose the quart of Lucas. Totally unnecessary when and if you go back to VR-1
Forum: Pontiac - Street 12-27-2023, 01:58 PM
Replies: 111
Views: 16,140
Posted By Gach
If you have and engine builder you trust, and he...

If you have and engine builder you trust, and he recommends 20-50 thats all that counts. Then why would you deviate from others opinions. If he goes with 10-30 only for winter and it accomplished his...
Forum: 70-72 GTO Tempest & LeMans TECH 11-11-2023, 10:26 PM
Replies: 135
Views: 33,974
Posted By Mister Pontiac
That turned out great, Bruce. :thumbup: ...

That turned out great, Bruce. :thumbup:

Soapy water, lacquer thinner and flat clear is the magic, eh? I'm making a mental note. My 72 should be coming apart in the near future, in need of...
Forum: 70-72 GTO Tempest & LeMans TECH 10-27-2023, 12:39 AM
Replies: 135
Views: 33,974
Posted By Mister Pontiac
Nice Bruce! Who are you using for...

Nice Bruce!

Who are you using for upholstery in the Valley? I have some seats coming up soon for recover...

Forum: 70-72 GTO Tempest & LeMans TECH 10-26-2023, 03:00 PM
Replies: 135
Views: 33,974
Posted By HWYSTR455
Wow, those are nice! .

Wow, those are nice!

Forum: Pontiac - Street 05-24-2023, 12:59 PM
Replies: 49
Views: 6,504
Posted By RA66GTO
Piggy backing off of what unruhjonny stated; if...

Piggy backing off of what unruhjonny stated; if you are not concerned with originality then the gear reduction starters are the way to go.
Holley / MSD has the DynaForce on clearance: ...
Forum: Electrical Tech 05-20-2023, 12:22 PM
Replies: 6
Views: 1,252
Posted By Peter Serio
The pointer detached is a sure sign the gauge has...

The pointer detached is a sure sign the gauge has lost all of it's internal buffering fluid. That gauge will never last, missing that fluid.
Forum: Electrical Tech 05-20-2023, 11:30 AM
Replies: 6
Views: 1,252
Posted By OG68
The sending unit itself is a variable resistor as...

The sending unit itself is a variable resistor as are all the gauge type sending units.
Higher oil pressure translates into high resistance.

At 0 PSI - 0 ohms
1/2 gauge reading - 45 ohms...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 46

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