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Search: Posts Made By: limejudge69
Forum: THE LOBBY 02-01-2025, 10:16 AM
Replies: 10
Views: 718
Posted By limejudge69
On a positive note, it has survived without being...

On a positive note, it has survived without being desecrated by the dreaded Buick red air cleaner decal so there’s that . I bought some tix. Would be a fun car to enjoy without making it a trailer...
Forum: THE LOBBY 01-31-2025, 12:37 PM
Replies: 56
Views: 2,523
Posted By limejudge69
Every Southern redneck who needs heat knows to...

Every Southern redneck who needs heat knows to remove their window AC unit, turn it around, and reinstall.
Forum: Members Helping Members 01-27-2025, 03:16 PM
Replies: 15
Views: 639
Posted By limejudge69
Looks like the light blue Pontiac engine paint...

Looks like the light blue Pontiac engine paint used on the early- mid 60’s stuff
Forum: THE LOBBY 01-27-2025, 01:13 PM
Replies: 61
Views: 3,199
Posted By limejudge69
Brown does not and has never used forklifts ....

Brown does not and has never used forklifts . From pickup to delivery, it’s all done by hand.
Brown Freight ( formerly Overnite) does use forklifts but they also drive tractor trailers and mostly...
Forum: 67-92 Firebirds & Trans Ams FOR SALE 01-14-2025, 09:40 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 2,053
Posted By limejudge69

Forum: 67-69 Firebird TECH 01-06-2025, 10:35 PM
Replies: 25
Views: 1,152
Posted By limejudge69
Pull the engine, have the short block rebuilt and...

Pull the engine, have the short block rebuilt and reinstall. This is the easiest and most cost efficient solution. Maybe reach out to Len Williams Auto Machine in OK, he sells and rebuilds engines...
Forum: Members Helping Members 01-06-2025, 10:09 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 489
Posted By limejudge69
There are actually 4 types of anti-sieze: Copper,...

There are actually 4 types of anti-sieze: Copper, Aluminum, Moly and Nickel. They all have their specific recommended usage. Aviation uses nickel a lot due to the high temps and stainless/exotic...
Forum: THE LOBBY 12-23-2024, 08:43 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 1,010
Posted By limejudge69
CVT transmissions are okay as long as you don’t...

CVT transmissions are okay as long as you don’t beat on them and change the fluid and filter every 40-50k miles. My oldest daughter put 130k troublefree miles on a 2016 Jeep with CVT trans.
Forum: THE LOBBY 12-14-2024, 07:43 PM
Replies: 37
Views: 1,477
Posted By limejudge69
I joined 8/2005 so the 20 year mark is coming up...

I joined 8/2005 so the 20 year mark is coming up next year. I haven’t owned a Pontiac since 2016 but hope to in the near future. I still visit and try to keep up with the pulse of all things Pontiac
Forum: THE LOBBY 11-28-2024, 10:41 AM
Replies: 15
Views: 1,195
Posted By limejudge69
First thought that come to mind is the paint...

First thought that come to mind is the paint scheme is very similar to the often imitated but never duplicated ‘Lamnas ’
Forum: THE LOBBY 11-11-2024, 10:14 AM
Replies: 30
Views: 1,440
Posted By limejudge69
I'm old enough to remember when dumbasses didn't...

I'm old enough to remember when dumbasses didn't clone 68/72 Judges and 90% of the Pontiacs didn't have a stupid red air cleaner decal
Forum: THE LOBBY 11-09-2024, 10:58 PM
Replies: 10
Views: 625
Posted By limejudge69
A great racer who lost both of his sons to...

A great racer who lost both of his sons to tragedy. He was recently awarded a win here locally at Bowman Gray stadium from a NASCAR race way back in 1971. Ironically, NASCAR will be returning to...
Forum: THE LOBBY 11-02-2024, 12:53 PM
Replies: 67
Views: 2,329
Posted By limejudge69
Carb is off a 1970 400/455. The M-22 Rockcrusher...

Carb is off a 1970 400/455. The M-22 Rockcrusher Muncies had the helical cut gears and have a very distinctive whine, maybe your buddy got lucky and has one of those. The 488945 intake is correct for...
Forum: YOUR BEST PONTIAC STORIES 11-01-2024, 10:29 PM
Replies: 52
Views: 16,263
Posted By limejudge69
In 1984 I was 14 years old. I have a first cousin...

In 1984 I was 14 years old. I have a first cousin who is 2 yrs older than me. He got his license and when he pulled into my driveway in a metallic blue 68 GTO with hideaways., it was the most...
Forum: THE LOBBY 10-20-2024, 04:27 PM
Replies: 7
Views: 803
Posted By limejudge69
I worked at KMart in high school. I was in the...

I worked at KMart in high school. I was in the automotive dept. I cut keys, stocked shelves and sold car parts and car stereos. I also worked in sporting goods sometimes. I assembled bikes, sold...
Forum: THE LOBBY 10-19-2024, 08:44 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 625
Posted By limejudge69
I can assure you 100% without a doubt that...

I can assure you 100% without a doubt that Samaritan’s Purse is the best of the best in charitable relief work. They are a faith-based organization and they provide relief and assistance to people in...
Forum: 67-69 Firebird TECH 10-12-2024, 09:02 PM
Replies: 5,004
Views: 908,843
Posted By limejudge69
I also owned a 69 LL Green RAIII Judge. Sold it...

I also owned a 69 LL Green RAIII Judge. Sold it to PY Member Red Goat and he restored it. It turned out stunning as well
Forum: THE LOBBY 10-06-2024, 10:20 AM
Replies: 10,681
Views: 2,068,369
Posted By limejudge69
Cars like this have overtaken the hobby. Seeing...

Cars like this have overtaken the hobby. Seeing all these half-ass Judge clones/tributes with wrong stripes, decals, and emblems in the wrong places just makes me shake my head. It's becoming rare to...
Forum: THE LOBBY 10-01-2024, 07:41 PM
Replies: 25
Views: 2,131
Posted By limejudge69
BVZ is in the Piedmont Triad (High...

BVZ is in the Piedmont Triad (High Point/Greensboro/Winston Salem), as am I. We received a ton of rain and some mild flooding but the worst of it is west of here. Asheville, Morganton, Boone, Blowing...
Forum: Pontiac - Street 09-23-2024, 05:25 PM
Replies: 27
Views: 1,640
Posted By limejudge69
Breeze clamps are some of fhe best and are used a...

Breeze clamps are some of fhe best and are used a lot in the aviation world. Try Aircraft Spruce. They stock most any size, the quality is good and pricing is reasonable.
Forum: 67-69 Firebird TECH 09-01-2024, 10:42 AM
Replies: 13
Views: 1,020
Posted By limejudge69
According to Google, Aegena is an apartment...

According to Google, Aegena is an apartment complex in San Jose CA and a distant planet with inhabitants called Aegenans. :D
Forum: THE LOBBY 08-27-2024, 11:46 AM
Replies: 8
Views: 649
Posted By limejudge69
My aunt and uncle bought a new 1980 or 1981...

My aunt and uncle bought a new 1980 or 1981 Bonneville diesel. They couldnt kill the damn thing. Both of my cousins learned to drive in it and the oldest drove it through college in Baltimore. I...
Forum: 67-69 Firebird TECH 08-20-2024, 02:12 PM
Replies: 5,004
Views: 908,843
Posted By limejudge69
The 69 Judge for 240k is listed on the Registry...

The 69 Judge for 240k is listed on the Registry as a RAIII car. Seller says PHS documented but doesn't include them in the ad.
Forum: THE LOBBY 08-11-2024, 01:52 PM
Replies: 60
Views: 8,767
Posted By limejudge69
The good old Craftsman stuff usually has a V...

The good old Craftsman stuff usually has a V stamped near the part number, along with a rectangular raised area with grooves. I have a couple of old Craftsman V wrenches that I use regularly. One is...
Forum: THE LOBBY 07-29-2024, 12:01 PM
Replies: 15
Views: 1,555
Posted By limejudge69
Congratulations on having the courage to take the...

Congratulations on having the courage to take the leap of faith and go for it! So many people want to but never do. I did the same at age 49 after working 15 years in public utilities (water and...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 45

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