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Old 03-03-2005, 05:52 PM
1974gto1 1974gto1 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: CANADA
Posts: 72

I live in Canada and could never find a real 74 GTO.So I have a ventura and im cloning it to a 74,Just on monday i was reading the local paper and this guy was selling 3 74 GTO's $6000 or best offer . I thought i was reading the paper wrong so i called the guy,made arrangement to see them i arrived there on wednesday,He had them in a barn the 1st car i looked at was a baby blue automatic coupe the 2nd one was a hatch-back.The 3rd car was a 350 4 speed coupe factory green with white interior.The only thing that defines thats its a real GTO is the emblem on the inner door panel how can I tell if this is an authentic GTO . I put a 600 dollar deposit he didnt was to sell the car seperate so he charged me $2500 including : An extra rear end, 2 front fenders and a hood he still has the coupe and hatch-back both automatic if you want to buy then reply back! I do have pics but my Kodak softwear isnt working gimme a few day and i will have them in here!These cars need alot of work remember thats 2500 canadian thats cheap for you U.S. Guys