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Old 09-07-2006, 08:32 AM
pontiac locator pontiac locator is offline
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Location: Camp Hill PA
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on another note, I knew a guy who had a 67 RS/SS 396 Camaro. It sat in the woods and I watched for it everytime I went to see my grandmother. When I got my drivers liscense and my first car, also an RS camaro, I drove up one day and asked about the car, NO it wasnt 4sale at any price. The owners wife did allow me to walk down with her and take a look at it. I peaked in the window, and saw the console gauges, 4speed, fold down seat, tilt wood wheel, and power windows. As I walked around the car I asked if I could pop the hood, she smiled, and said, sure. I was greeted by the 375HP decal on the chrome air cleaner, chrome valve covers and oil fill tube, and it appeared untouched with factory manifolds. I smiled back(as any 17yr old kid would) as I closed the hood. We walked back up and I continually glanced over my shoulder at it. A year later I stopped back and talked to the owner, same old story...."Im gonna fix'er up someday". I stopped by every year after that and asked about the car. Every year it was the same, a smile and a NO. 1 day I stopped by and I asked him if he would allow me to pump up the tires on the car and pull it out of the woods, throw some roofing tin down under it to keep the weeds away from it, his response was why??? with a very confused look on his face. I said well, that way when it comes time to fix'er up youll have less work. He walked outside with me and we aired up the tires with his portable compessor. We talked about the car and how I had become a familiar face. BUT it still wasnt 4sale, I laughed and said I know, but I couldnt see it rot away. A month later I drove by only to see an empty hole in the woods where the Camaro sat. I almost wrecked the car as I peered into the woods in disbelief. I spun around pulled into the drive and ran up to knock on the door. His wife came to the door, and I said, "did he sell it?" She smiled and said nope, take a look around back......I walked back to see the car on 4 jackstands on a concrete pad. Seems my intrest sparked his intrest. There was also a large pile of sand and some bricks. Yep, he was building a Gargage. So the tired old Camaro was still being fixed up last time i was by, but atleast its not becoming 1 with nature any longer.

Birds, Boats, or Goats as long as its a PONTIAC!