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Old 04-21-2011, 08:38 AM
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njsteve njsteve is offline
Ultimate Warrior
Join Date: Sep 2004
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You're right, I can't just sit around. :-)

It's our family heirloom. I dont know if I told you guys of this episode:

When Gramma Rose had the car she always had the strangest way of shifting the car into gear. She would be sitting behind the wheel and would take her left hand and reach all the way across her body to push the gear selector knob down on the console shifter and then use her left hand to pull the selector into drive. Her right hand stayed on the steering wheel the whole time. It was the weirdest, most unnatural action you could think of. (Any of you with an automatic in your Firebird, try it. It's just about impossible to do).

Anyway, when it was time to teach my daughter how to drive, (mind you she is named after my grandmother, her great-grandmother), she sat behind the wheel, started the car and the reached over wth her left hand and duplicated exactly, the same bizarre method of shifting that Gramma Rose used. She had never seen her great-grandmother drive the car and would not have known of this procedure.

The hair on the back of neck stood up and I swore I could hear the Twilight Zone theme playing somewhere.

I know Gramma Rose was smiling up there, too.