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Old 12-19-2011, 12:37 PM
PonchoV8 PonchoV8 is offline
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Originally Posted by INJUNTOM View Post
You'll have to get a different group of friends for that to happen.

If you don't mind me asking, why the change?

I've known a couple people who did that, and one was because the guy went Jehovah on us, and the other I'm guessing because she's never happy anyways, and I'm guessing this gave her a new identity, especially since she changes groups of friends to suit her needs.

The girl pulled it off by getting new friends. Family and old friends still call her the short name, all the new friends use the new name. Really strange to see her around her new friends with a new name.

The guy pulled his head out of his arse and ditched the wife that forced him into Jehovahism... actually she dumped him after she molded his putty arse into something that she wasn't originally attracted to. (Why do they do that?)

Anyways, just curious.
A friend of ours did that too. He went from middle name to first name. He was always a solid citizen, but I think he went Jeff on us when he decided he was mature.