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Old 11-16-2012, 02:32 AM
rexs73gto rexs73gto is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Niles MI.
Posts: 4,319

Rick after all these years of ownership I don't know if I ever looked to see what year it was built. I know it was an early car because when I ordered mine orignally as an SD car the car that I own was already being driven by the owners son (dealers son) & I went in & ordered mine right after the artical in cars mag. came out. I think I went in the last week of Aug, or the first week of Sept. I'm not excatly sure & I don't know where my paper work is for the original car as I have moved sevaral times since I ordered the SD car which didn't come in. As I've said in past posts I didn't get the car I have now until Mar. of 74 because of all the screwing around hopeing to get an SD car & then having them trying to find a car closer to what I had ordered with all the same options , but ended up with this one. But as I said in my post I painted my Battery caps red to give a litte color to the engine compartment. I don't remember seeing any cars with red caps but , That may be why I did paint them that way because sub-con. (not going to try to spell that) I had seen some of the red caps & liked it ,maybe thats why I painted it that way. Who knows???, it was a long time ago.