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Old 12-18-2013, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by S/st 54 View Post
I know I'm at 2950 right now in a class with a 2800 min weight BUT I'm at 46.1% in the rear......I'm thinkin if I add a bit more weight in back,and take some weight off the front maybe I'll get the car to my desired 48%....I know my car is slow considering who asked the question but I'm more interested in dialing the car than anything right now.Being top dog in mph just won't happen in s/st not in division 5.......
But being able to dial the car does however help equalize the field a bit!and moving weight is one way I plan on attacking it.
A standard turbostart weighs 46lbs. If you need more weight, run two, there is no disadvantage to running two 16v batteries, one will do it if you always have plenty of time to charge between passes other wise the battery is drained after two passes normally.

The right valving in the shocks will help as well, plenty of cars actually want 54% on the nose as it helps keep the front end down, the shock technology is to the point where you don't have to move weight around to aid them.