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Old 08-06-2015, 06:06 PM
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Ccass Ccass is offline
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Originally Posted by rexs73gto View Post
I would rethink your choice of where the nats are going to be over again. I believe you will have a very small turn out by having it so far to one side of the country. I wish you luck , but hope you rethink your placement of the nats before its to late.
Rex, The choice of where a GTO convention is held is a bidding process where any local chapter can participate. The local club essentially sends a resume of their plans to host to the National GTOAA board. Then from all the entrees, one is selected. So your frustration should be directed at the National committee, not the club that won the bid.

Yes, the show will be smaller but not by all that much. When it was in Oregon a couple years back, I was very surprised by the turnout. Also, it's refreshing to see a whole selection of different GTO's when it's out West. Colorado, Oregon and now Seattle are really beautiful places to visit. I really enjoyed all three of those 'smaller' shows as there are a lot of things you can see and do when visiting a new area. Think about it this way, all the GTO owners in that part of the country have been saying what you're saying for most of the past 30 years.

I think it would be a nice gesture to 'share' the club this one rather rare occurrence of it being on the West coast.

Each year, wherever they hold the event, about 40 states worth of GTO owners are going to be disappointed.

Fool Around, Get Hurt, Don't come Crying to me.