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Old 04-25-2017, 06:49 PM
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ponyakr ponyakr is offline
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"....unless there is some happy spot where it's the best. Problem here would be to find that happy spot...",605.html

" just make certain that there is a restrictor with an inside diameter about 11/16
inch in the single tube thats feeds into the radiator. This is important because there is no thermostat in the system, and overall flow volume will be controlled by the size of this orifice.If it is too large,the water will flow through the system too quickly ,and if it is too small,the water will flow too slowly!"
said by THE SMOKEY YUNICK!..."

Apparently this is a subject that has been hotly debated for many years.

My opinion is that there can probably be slight variations in coolant flow which will be OK, IF & ONLY IF there is enuff air flow thru the radiator. And, as mentioned, some radiators will remove more heat from the coolant than others, with the same flow rate & air flow cfm. I suppose the only way to know which parts will cool your particular engine better, would be to try all possible combination of parts, in your car, the way you drive. Not everybody has the $$ to try many combos. But, many do. It would be nice if some of you guys who have plenty to spend would do some extensive cooling equipment testing. Overheating is a VERY common problem, brought up occasionally on all Pontiac forums.

It would be nice to know, for sure, exactly which type & brands of radiators cool best, which fans actually cool best, which pumps actually cool best, etc, etc.

Last edited by ponyakr; 04-25-2017 at 07:29 PM.