Thread: 1957 Star Chief
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Old 01-12-2019, 08:01 AM
Carmine Carmine is offline
Chief Ponti-yacker
Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 749

I might have previously mentioned, that this coming Monday I'm going to look at this '57 Pontiac again. Going to bring a jack, stands, lights, etc. This will be my final look and I'll have to make a decision. At least I'll know what this car is and what it might take to make it nice; a decent driver. In the mean time, I've been on line looking at whatever '57's are available. I think I've search every site there is. The prices for ones boasting to be beautiful, restored, ready to drive, needing little, seem to be all over the charts. The range is from $10,000.00-$19,000.00 and more which I have zero interest in. Some dreamers out there. They all present well, but you never know what they are until inspection. A couple of them I inquired about, but as of now, I haven't received a response. Makes me wonder as to how legitimate they might be. Two/three of them, I would have a genuine interest in, based on what is described. I know I could never do one over for what these vehicles appear to offer price wise. So now, this becomes a little bit of an issue. I have to define what my intent is for purchasing one. Do I purchase this '57 which is local to keep me busy or do I buy one done and just wax it. Hmm..........................Originally, I wanted to restore something solid, rust and dent free as best possible. But after looking at finished ones on line, I'm just not sure any more. My other cars in my collection, have great paint and I do wax them. So, do I need another one for wax purposes?? I just don't know. I bounce back and forth all the time on this. I venture to say, that if one of my inquiries produced a response, I just might go that way. For some reason, I'm just not optimistic that there will be one. I do know this much; I'm glad I looked on line. It gave me a different perspective and insight on what the one I'm going to look at, might be worth. Again, based on what I saw and was described on line, I don't believe I would offer a dime more then $4,000.00 for this one. That might be a bit generous. Perhaps offer $3,500.00 and can always go up. What ever I do purchase, hope it's a well thought out, good decision, because I'll be left with it, Carmine.