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Old 11-01-2019, 01:47 PM
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ta6point6 ta6point6 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: CO
Posts: 221

I would go with the tri-power and forget hunting. For one there is CWD (chronic wasting disease) all around CO now a days. I have been going hunting with my dad since I was five, mule deer. Always around the Rustic, Red Feather area. I will say my dad was a great hunter, me not so much. It was always a family thing to go out hunting with my uncles and cousins. The best times were with my grandfather, he was grumpy old man at home but when we would go hunting he would lighten up and teach me things about tracking and looking for scat. Just before we would pack up for the weekend we would squeeze off a few rounds for target practice, that was awesome. Now a days like others have mentioned land/mountains around Rustic/CO has been sold to the highest bidder and most of it is private property or pay to play. Growing up as a kid all you would hear in the early morning was trucks of hunters streaming up the mountain to get the best spots, now it is a bunch of motorcyclists and ATV people tearing around the roads. I used to love walking the mountains it was peaceful and tranquil, those days are gone. I still believe hunting ranches are what brought CWD to the mule deer around CO. When you raise tame deer in a coral and then wonder why it is spreading so quickly. Also people who say they are hunters and pay 1500.00 to sleep in a cabin and then have some guide spook a tame deer into the open is not hunting. Anyway good luck on whatever you decide sorry for the rant, to many people moving here.

going bandit-Reynolds style

Last edited by ta6point6; 11-01-2019 at 01:54 PM.