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Old 04-23-2020, 10:55 AM
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ta6point6 ta6point6 is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: CO
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CO is going to open up in stages and were are going to resume elective surgery cases. So we never shut down and have been steady at our clinic, just went to reduced hours the week before. Now we are planning to start regular hours again with current social distancing in place. I think people need to keep in mind like others have said this is not over we are barely in the halftime of this thing. There are a lot of unknowns out there about Covid but we are learning more as time goes on. I just cant believe how some people are acting it has only been 30 days, that is it. Try boot camp if you want to see what it is like to be on real lock down lol. For me I have taken the few extra hours I get in the afternoon to lift some weights and have lost about 15 pounds, strong body strong mind goes along way. I have also been able to get to the car parts from the junkyard that need some refreshing like cleaning and paint. I found stuff I had forgotten were even around, so cleaning out garage as well. Some go on the truck others to ebay, help people use that stimulus money. The ebay money then goes to pay for parts to go on truck. I wish my Dad had taken better care of his truck.
Anyway everyone stay safe and remember to use common sense out there, your fellow Americans are counting on you to keep them safe as well as yourself.
The news is showing all the places pollution is wayyyyy down, I wonder as we get back it will go back to the smog issues. All the vehicles off of the roads really did help with that. The pictures they are showing were incredible. Some states are al ready opening things up like bowling places? Yeah that’s essential. Lol
They showed the waters in Venice are crystal clear and LA has the lowest level of pollution in the country. I also saw goats in Scotland (I think it was there) are roaming the town. It is like the goats are going to the people zoo and looking at all the different humans. Isnt that how the Planet of the Apes started lol.

going bandit-Reynolds style

Last edited by ta6point6; 04-23-2020 at 11:02 AM.