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Old 06-25-2020, 08:58 PM
etd66ss etd66ss is offline
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Originally Posted by hgerhardt View Post
Indeed the color is single biggest factor in putting a lid on the value of this car. The quality of the paint job looks quite good, but that color is extremely polarizing.

The '72 GTO has black grilles, which make the front end less homely than a '71, so that is in your favor IMHO.

Unfortunately, a good paint job is north of $5000 and you'll probably not recoup that if all you want to do is make it more saleable.

You must have really liked that color or you wouldn't have bought it/painted it that way. If you still like it, do like a PP said and build a 440+ CID Pontiac and put EFI on it and do a 4L80E... or even a stick. There's a guy on this board who's selling kits based on GM ECU's which could run the engine AND the 4L80E.

'64-'72 A-bodies are technically superior to pretty much any Chrysler/Ford product of that era and can be turned into a pretty seriously capable car... IF you want to invest the energy and $$ to get there.

After all, what is the purpose for owning these (now ancient) cars? To be a good investment or to be a good toy? If the latter, THIS car is an excellent one to start with!
Well, I was not fond of the color when I bought it. The restomod wheels were definitely turning in my head when I bought it. However, just like a lot of guys, I have a too many projects. I don't think I would ever respray to try to make the car more desirable, I'd lose money. So it's either sell it for less than what I think it should sell for, or go ahead and spend $40k making a ridiculous toy.


My Chevelle project:

Last edited by etd66ss; 06-25-2020 at 09:10 PM.