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Old 11-12-2020, 02:59 PM
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Default Yelp review

Originally Posted by ponyakr View Post
Thanks !

But we paid to have a new fan installed, months ago. It then had a gas leak. So, we decided to give it to the repairman. The deal was that he was supposed to keep gassing it up 'til he could pick up a new, smaller fridge we bought at Lowes & deliver it to us.

But he even stiffed us for that, having a friend of his pick it up & then "suggesting" that we pay him $20 for his trouble.

Hey, it was only 20 bucks. But I was steamed !

I hate it when anybody lies to me. But, this was a local professional repairman. And he probably fixed the leak & sold our old fridge for a couple of hundred bucks. All he had to do was just pick up our fridge, which was in a town only about 25 miles away, and bring it to our house, EXACTLY AS HE'D AGREED TO DO. But, instead, he had us to PAY somebody else $20 to do what he'd agreed to do. If he was gonna get somebody else to do what he was supposed to do, at the very least HE could have paid the guy the $20, NOT us.

Needless to say, we won't be using his services again, & if asked, will recommend that others don't either.

We have no idea when we'll get our new GE fridge, which we paid for back in June. As posted, I was told that the new EXPECTED date is Dec 23. We figure there is VERY little chance of that happening. Hey, it might be closer to Spring. Or, they may just drop that model all together. With the crazy year this has been, there is no telling what might happen.
Seems to be very common now-a-days. Give him a bad review on Yelp.

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― Calvin Coolidge