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Old 12-13-2021, 09:40 AM
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dataway dataway is offline
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Default Sail panel minutia

When installing the sail panels in my GTO I noticed the screws that are somewhat centrally located going right through the panels on the originals. They appear to have been randomly placed based on how each panel was laying at the time of factory installation. They are in two completely different places compared to each other, and the factory screws I pulled out are self drilling ... looks like the factory installer just picked a random location that would pull the panel in the way he wanted and went to town with a screw gun.

There are no pre-drilled holes in the same locations on both sides, so it's not like someone couldn't find the original holes, there are none, just the single holes where these self drilling screws were put in.

Trying to decide if I should do the same with my replacement panels ... pick a spot where the screw would do the most good, or just leave it with no screws as they sit pretty nice as is.

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