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Old 07-19-2022, 07:21 PM
JLMounce JLMounce is offline
Ultimate Warrior
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Yes the Sniper and FiTech from a hardware standpoint are nearly identical. Both have some advantages or disadvantages in the software package.

While these systems are a great entry into the world of EFI, you should temper your expectations that it will be perfect from the start and that you’ll never have to touch it.

They are only ever as good as their installation, supporting systems and the inputs provided to them. Although they claim “self learning” they can never learn what your engine likes or needs, only what you tell it. If you tell the system to run on parameters that your engine doesn’t like, it’ll run poorly.

You should expect to within a short period need to make adjustments for cold start fueling and throttle tip in. Those two items are the most common areas that will need attention.

All that said, once you get the system installed and any minor issues ironed out, I can almost guarantee you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

1969 Pontiac Firebird