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Old 11-02-2023, 11:23 AM
hurryinhoosier62 hurryinhoosier62 is offline
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Originally Posted by Stuart View Post
My lawn care service was scheduled to be out this week to clean up the leaves but the snow got in the way. It will be gone in the next day or two and then hopefully they'll be able to get out to do it. I have a lot of big trees so my yard has a thick blanket of leaves.
When we lived in SE Wisconsin we had three enormous sugar maples in our front yard. They held onto their leaves until the week of Thanksgiving, then they would drop en mass. Wouldn’t you know it; we usual got our first snow the day after Thanksgiving, which meant the leaves would spend the winter under the snow because you can’t mulch leaves that are under a couple feet of snow.

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Dr. Thomas Sowell