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Old 11-02-2018, 01:24 PM
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SD Formula SD Formula is offline
Chief Ponti-yacker
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: 3/4 Florida 1/4 S.E. Michigan
Posts: 567

Keith, funny you mentioned clock, as years ago at a used wheel cover dealer I found a 1967 Corvette bolt on wheel cover, and bought it for a small amount. When I got it home I saw that a small part of the di-cast mounting area was broken off. So, I made it into a garage clock.
But to answer your question, I always loved the look of the 8 lug Pontiac wheel and wished it had been available on the GTO.
In addition to a wall clock or other type of tribute to the Pontiac 8 lug wheel, it could be used as a front over my air hose reel, or be incorporate with my old Judge spoiler, or hood tach. The possibilities are endless! But, I guess I'd just like to own one as kind of a Pontiac collectable item. Regardless of the condition.

When removing an unreplaceable washer, the part will be heard hitting the floor and then vanish from the face of the earth!