Thread: 2020 Census?
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Old 05-24-2020, 08:02 AM
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People die after the census every time it's taken. No difference with the 2020 census.

There are roughly 330,000,000 people in the United States. The number of "supposed" Covid 19 deaths is roughly 100,000. 1% would be 330,000, so we're talking about less than 1/3 of a percent.

The reason I said "supposed" Covid 19 deaths is that the decision to classify a death as "Covid 19" is at least somewhat suspect. In the "official Covid 19" pages published by the MN Dept of Heath, they count "Probable Covid 19 deaths". What is the definition? " COVID-19 listed on death certificate but a positive test not documented for the person."

Minnesota has a population of roughly 6,000,000 people. We have 852 deaths (as of this morning) attributed to Covid 19. 1% would be 6,000 deaths.

In Minnesota, 697 of the 852 deaths attributed to Covid 19 have been among nursing home or long term care facility residents, which is nearly 82%. 700 of the 852 deaths have been people 70 years of age or older.

1 death due to this virus is too many. But in reality, the mortality rate for people 70 or older is always going to be much higher than the general populace - Covid 19 or not.