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Old 10-29-2024, 10:08 PM
bober bober is offline
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Default Pontiac engine into 83 c10 truck ?

what is the necessary parts needed to swap a V8 into a 83 GM 1/2 ton if it will work ? Has a 350 auto w/air now . Thanks for any help !!!!

Old 10-30-2024, 12:45 PM
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Had a friend in college in the mid 60s with a 389 3X2 in a 3/4 ton Chevy. Lots of fun but hard on the two piece drive line!!!!!!


Old 10-30-2024, 08:00 PM
Goatracer1 Goatracer1 is offline
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I put a Pontiac V8 into a 1961 Chevy PU using 1973 up parts . There are 2 Z shaped brackets that go from the top of the frame to the cross member. The frame section of the motor mounts are mounted to them. I used the frame section of the Chevy motor mounts and the engine section of a late 1970's Full size Pontiac mounts. They bolted right together. If they don't locate the engine correctly you can either move the Z brackets on the frame or move the Chevy mounts on the bracket. If you are lucky your transmission has dual bolt patterns. If not you will either need to get a T350 with the BOP bolt pattern or a trans adapter. If your PS pump fits the Pontiac bracket use it or if not just get a Pontiac pump. If you are going to keep your AC use your compressor with Pontiac brackets. You will need to either make AC hoses or find something close. The fuel line will be on the wrong side so just extend it. Use a Pontiac HEI distributor. Your wiring may have to be lengthened/shortened but all the connections should be the same. You will probably be able to use 1960's "A" body exhaust manifolds. Good Luck!

Old 10-31-2024, 04:44 PM
Lefty Lefty is offline
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Originally Posted by bober View Post
what is the necessary parts needed to swap a V8 into a 83 GM 1/2 ton if it will work ? Has a 350 auto w/air now . Thanks for any help !!!!
A local did this with his squarebody that I saw in the 90s, this is to the best of my recollection.

He said it was a bolt in for the mid 70s 400. He used the block side uppers from an F-body like a second gen and they slipped right on to the frame side lowers of the small block. Makes sense to me due to GM dropping this engines into the same frame on F-bodies that share both the SBC and Pontiac. This would put the drivetrain in the same spot as the sbc and allow you to use the old driveshaft.

He used a corresponding TH400 for a BOP. Obviously whatever matches what's currently in it.

I think the AC compressors are the same but mount on opposite sides so you may have a lot slack to coil up or route because the SBC puts that on the driver side.

Rad hoses are probably Fbody also.

You have a lot of room and likely can use whatever exhaust manifolds you have.


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