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Old 01-14-2025, 08:00 PM
65 Lamnas's Avatar
65 Lamnas 65 Lamnas is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2023
Location: Pontiac, IL
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Default Looking for some engine transportation help from Portland to Chicago.

I have an engine at a shop in the Portland OR area. It's complete, on an engine stand and bolted to a standard pallet. I live in IL and am considering my options to get it here.

If I have to, I'll drive out and get it, but I'm not thrilled about putting 4200 miles on my I'm looking for alternate options.

Unfortunately, I can't really use standard truck freight transportation, because the person on the shipping end is physically incapacitated for the next several months.. I'm assuming any freight company is going to require that it be in a crate and it's not.

I suppose I COULD fly out and crate it, arrange for a freight truck and help load it, and then fly back....dunno how well I'd be able to coordinate that tho.

Or I could fly out there, rent a truck (one way of course) and drive it back here, but that'd be fairly cost-prohibitive due to miles, MPG and likely a "drop-off" fee.

From time-to-time, I see enclosed transport spots available within this group, but not very often between the locations I need.

I'm just looking for ideas or suggestions...TIA

Old 01-14-2025, 09:40 PM
tom s tom s is offline
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Default have shipped many RA V engines door to door.Uline makes a great crate that comes with a pallet.You unfold the crate,bolt the engine dolly to the pallet.The engines I was shipping were like 35K engines.By the time your done with the crate and shipping you will be about $880-$900 as you already have the dolly.They came to my place with a truck with a lift gate and pallet jack.Pulled it out of my garage and loaded it on the truck.If you have it shipped to a loading dock you can save money.If you want th Uline number PM me.Its 30X30X 30.Tom


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