Old 10-03-2024, 05:21 PM
robbieg454 robbieg454 is offline
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Default 1970 Tempest tilt column swap

I'm having an issue with a simple swap to a tilt column. Car is a 1970 tempest column shift; Column is from a 1972 grand Prix with a floor shift. Column bolted right in no issue; Ignition switch is different. So, I knew that. The original 70 non tilt switch won't work, and the 72 switch from the GP the wiring is different. So, I ordered one, the new one is the same as the 72 GP and it won't work because car has different wiring. Looked at all my Chevelles and they all will swap between both years tilt and non-tilt. What am I missing. Is there a Pontiac secret? I attached pictures for reference. Thanks in advance.
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Old 10-03-2024, 09:37 PM
rolling money pits's Avatar
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I cannot speak for the 72…but I’m fairly sure wiring is the same for tilt/non tilt up to 71, just have to manipulate the two ign switch wiring connectors to fit the tilt switch. By manipulate I mean turn and futz them to fit.

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Old 10-05-2024, 11:48 AM
robbieg454 robbieg454 is offline
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Thanks, but there is no way it will fit. The black 3 wire connecter will plug in, but the clear one will not in any way plug into the switch no matter how you manipulate it. I'm not a novice to this swap but this is a first for me to have the connector not work. My last resort is to get a correct plug from a car I know fits and swap over the wires. Was just hoping there is a Tempest/Lemans secret out there i could just order the correct switch.

Old 10-05-2024, 10:36 PM
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order the 70 tilt switch

fairly sure in 72 they had all that seat belt wiring krap included

Old 10-07-2024, 12:49 PM
robbieg454 robbieg454 is offline
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I do appreciate the guesses; I did try that. I tried 69-72 Pontiac and Chevelle switches, they are all the same and none worked. I have tried all that I can think of and have. I will just swap in a connector from a donor car harness and be done. Just was asking on a pontiac forum if there was a Tempest secret on this issue.

Old 10-07-2024, 03:51 PM
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Something is rather strange…

For giggles I perused rockauto, looked at 70/71/72, Catalina, Bird, GP and lemans. They all took ( Standard Motor Products ) the 95 switch for non-tilt, 105 for tilt.

70 lemans and I believe 71 GP had no listing for ignition switch. I cannot believe Pontiac would have a different harness connector(s) for one or two models for one or two years when it seems two switches covered several different models.

IIRC, the tilt switch mounts opposite of non-tilt, the open end of the switch faces other way, thus needing to finagle the harness. So I’m kinda stumped here, just like you.

Your plan to switch connectors is probably the easiest course of action, just remember to flex the little locking tangs back out a bit so they’ll grab/lock in again.

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Old 10-07-2024, 04:35 PM
'ol Pinion head 'ol Pinion head is offline
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'69 & 70 Pontiac A-GP & B series with tilt columns used a slightly green tilt ignition switch. Olds also used the green tilt ignition switch in '69 & 70 model years. The other style was used by Chevrolet.

'69 & 70 Pontiac A & B series with staight columns (non tilt) also used a partially green molded ignition switch but is not the same as the tilt style ignition switch.

'70 Firebirds used the same ignition switch as Camaro's & Chevelles & for that matter, 71-72 Pontiac A-body's -GP's. These had an opaque plastic that eventually yellowed to a degree.

For many years I pulled tilt column cores as wholesale cores while sweeping boneyards. Many '69 & later Saginaw tilt columns pulled were from '69-76 big cars. Know Saginaw columns very well! Nearly every tight floor shift A-body & F-body tilt column that I've ever pulled I sat aside for eventual sale or trade.

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Old 10-28-2024, 07:58 PM
Spicewood1 Spicewood1 is offline
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I just did this swap. Harness is the same but the switch function is exactly opposite. Get the correct tilt switch, then the same harness plugs in but upside down.

Old 10-29-2024, 12:53 AM
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pictures sometimes help as much as verbage ....

Old 10-29-2024, 01:32 AM
Carl S Carl S is offline
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Originally Posted by robbieg454 View Post
I'm having an issue with a simple swap to a tilt column. Car is a 1970 tempest column shift; Column is from a 1972 grand Prix with a floor shift. Column bolted right in no issue; Ignition switch is different. So, I knew that. The original 70 non tilt switch won't work, and the 72 switch from the GP the wiring is different. So, I ordered one, the new one is the same as the 72 GP and it won't work because car has different wiring. Looked at all my Chevelles and they all will swap between both years tilt and non-tilt. What am I missing. Is there a Pontiac secret? I attached pictures for reference. Thanks in advance.
When my friend did his 71 Monte tilt conversion I was pretty sure he said all he did was rotate the connector end for end and plug it into the tilt switch.

Can you zoom in better with individual pictures of each switch please?

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Old 10-29-2024, 01:43 AM
Carl S Carl S is offline
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I'm intrigued by this, so I got the parts book out.

70 Tempest no tilt 1990091

70 Tempest with tilt 1990093

71 - 76 Tempest/GP with tilt 1990099 superseded by 1990106

I'm betting the 70 GTO tilt switch you got is wrong. I bet it's for a 71 and up. Did it have any numbers with it or on the switch itself?

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Old 11-02-2024, 07:01 PM
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Originally Posted by robbieg454 View Post
I'm having an issue with a simple swap to a tilt column. Car is a 1970 tempest column shift; Column is from a 1972 grand Prix with a floor shift. Column bolted right in no issue; Ignition switch is different. So, I knew that. The original 70 non tilt switch won't work, and the 72 switch from the GP the wiring is different. So, I ordered one, the new one is the same as the 72 GP and it won't work because car has different wiring. Looked at all my Chevelles and they all will swap between both years tilt and non-tilt. What am I missing. Is there a Pontiac secret? I attached pictures for reference. Thanks in advance.

You bought the wrong one. It should look like the one pictured. The least expensive one on eBay now is this one...
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